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RIS3 development in the Danube region with support of JRC

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1 RIS3 development in the Danube region with support of JRC
Prof. dr Viktor Nedović, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, EUSDR Priority Area 7 Coordinator Dijana Štrbac, PA7 Support Team 15th PA7 SG Meeting, June 13th 2018. Co-financed by the European Union

2 RIS3 Overview R&I Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) = economic transformation agendas that do five important things: focus policy support and investments on key national/regional priorities, challenges and needs for knowledge-based development, including ICT-related measures; build on each country's/region’s strengths, competitive advantages and potential for excellence; support technological as well as practice-based innovation and aim to stimulate private sector investment; get stakeholders fully involved and encourage innovation and experimentation; evidence-based and include sound monitoring and evaluation systems. (according to „Guide to Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS 3)“) Co-financed by the European Union

3 Steps for developing RIS3
Analysis of the regional context and potential for innovation 2. Set up of a sound and inclusive governance structure 3. Production of a shared vision about the future of the region 4. Selection of a limited number of priorities for regional development 5. Establishment of suitable policy mixes 6. Integration of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. Co-financed by the European Union

4 JRC support to RIS3 development
JRC activities related to RIS3 in period S3 awareness events Peer reviews of R&I systems Report on Smart Specialisation in E&N countries S3 trainings and seminars Connection with EU macroregional strategies JRC Enlargement and Integration Action ( ) S3 Design learning workshop in Chisinau, Moldova S3 training (6 country teams) in Seville National S3 teams in Serbia, Moldova and Ukraine S3 awareness event in Chisinau, Moldova Expert support: quantitative analysis Preparation of qualitative analysis and EDP process Co-financed by the European Union

5 Danube region countries involved in RIS3 development
Serbia, Moldova, Ukraine, Montenegro are in the process of RIS3 development since the beginning of 2017. Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republika Srpska entity) started with the process of RIS3 development in 2018. Serbian PA7 coordination team is strongly involved in activities related to RIS3 development in the Republic of Serbia. Co-financed by the European Union

6 JRC activities related to RIS3 in 2018
11-12 April: Ljubljana workshop 3-4 May: Sofia High Level Event May-October: EDP in Serbia and Montenegro National S3 teams in interested countries June: Publication of mapping reports (Serbia and Montenegro) October: S3 training for National Smart Specialisation Teams for new countries November: Statistical workshop: data availability (for new countries) December: Draft S3 strategy in Serbia and Montenegro Co-financed by the European Union

7 RIS3 development in Serbia
Republic of Serbia (RS) became targeted country on behalf of JRC for the period and JRC has provided its own and external expertise to Serbian side. The Government of the Republic of Serbia fully supports the development of a Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3) and started RIS3 preparation process on national level. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MESTD) is coordinating this process together with the Public Policy Secretariat of the Government of Serbia, and with active inclusion of other relevant ministries and institutions. In November 2016 the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted a formal decision to start the procedures for RIS3 preparation. Co-financed by the European Union

8 Preparatory meetings (RS)
January 2017, Seville, Spain - Seminar “Smart specialization and strategy formation in EU enlargement and associated countries” - devloped Roadmap for RIS3. April 2017, Chisinau, Moldova - 1st expert meeting; agreement on data to be provided by Serbia. July 2017, Belgrade, Serbia: 2nd expert meeting; agreement on additional data to be provided by Serbia; presentation of draft report – Institut Fraunhofer; comments of the analytical team on the draft report. February TAIEX Study visit to Poland, expert support for Operational team for EDP. Co-financed by the European Union

9 Progress in RIS3 development (RS)
November 29th 2016 – established Interministerial working group (WG) for RIS3 and WG created subunits to increase the efficiency of its work: the Operational and Analytical team. WG established strong link to the EC Joint Research Center (JRC) right from the beginning of the process. Devloped RIS3 Roadmap for Serbia. Document titled "Mapping of economic, innovative and scientific potential in Serbia" has been developed and presented to the stakeholders in Belgrade on December 13, By this presentation, EDP process has started. Analysis for ICT Sector in the Republic of Serbia by Institute“Mihajlo Pupin“; First Innovation camp in Serbia was organized on December 14-15, 2017 in cooperation with JRC. The topic of this case study event was ICT software engineering challenges, as the software engineering is one of the priority areas recognized in the above mentioned document. Co-financed by the European Union

10 Current activities (RS)
Next steps (RS) Further analysis in order to reduce the number of priorities; Preparation of structure for EDP process and inclusion of new partners; start EDP process; Conclusions from workshops and interviews during EDP Defining final list of priorities and drafting Strategy until end of 2018. Current activities (RS) Interviews with stakeholders in order to collect qualitative inputs as an addition to the quantitative report. Identification of stakeholders as a preparation for EDP workshiop which will start at the beginning of September. Co-financed by the European Union

11 Challenges (RS) Strategy for industrial policy and RIS 3
Optimal model for EDP Process support Access to funds for implementation of the Strategy Co-financed by the European Union

12 Example of stakeholder identification (Moldova)
Network analysis for the identification of key stakeholders for preliminary priority areas for smart specialisation in Moldova: The interactive visualisations have the following features: Presents data on internationally-indexed publications, EU projects, ASM projects, national patents Provides a series of filtering tools allowing the definition of fine-grained disciplinary, sectoral and geographic analysis. Maps collaboration networks for each of these datasets Depicts two specialisation indicators in a map of Moldova and its regions, i) distribution of the specialisation in each region within the nation, ii) intensity of specialisation in each region. Several modules present information at the bottom of the web app, providing lists and indicators on Specialisation, Regional distribution of the activities, Top Moldovan organisations, Top foreign partners. Co-financed by the European Union

13 Thank you for your attention!
Co-financed by the European Union

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