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Smart Lens Robot William McCombie IMDL Spring 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Lens Robot William McCombie IMDL Spring 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Lens Robot William McCombie IMDL Spring 2007

2 What it does Reads RFID tags from the environment to determine its next location RFID tag will contains commands such as “Face 37º north, go forward 10 units. Camera level, camera height 42 units. Take picture” Captures pictures or video from certain points Uses RFID instructions and on-board compass to determine motion

3 How it will be set up The robot will be a flat triangular platform with two sets of wheels for locomotion Each wheel will be independently controlled, with a set of free moving casters for stability A standard tripod will be set on top

4 Parts to be used Atmel ARM CPU with board Re-used from previous class
USB USART A/D PWM RFID reader and tags Available in the Packaging Lab on campus Interface with the board with serial connection Compass and IR sensors Ordered online Servos and motors Need to be capable of carrying a load Power supply Specs to depend on what parts are used

5 Sensors Camera – Not a sensor – Images will be recorded but not interpreted. Memory card can be removed and plugged into a PC IR/Bump switches – collision avoidance RFID device – Can read and write to RFID tags Compass – Used to determine current direction

6 Actuation Motors and Servos Two for motion and rotation Two for camera adjustment One for height One for tilt/pitch

7 RFID Tags Can contain 64 or 96 bits of information
Some bits used for overhead if standards are complied with Can be programmed and reprogrammed with the right hardware

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