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World History Unit 1 Review: World Religions

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1 World History Unit 1 Review: World Religions
Created by Educational Technology Network World History Unit 1 Review: World Religions

2 World Religions Jeopardy!
Basic Beliefs Important People Groups of People Key Terminology Islam 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

3 There is only one god who watches over and cares
for his people; god loves and protects his people, but also hold people accountable for their sins and shortcomings; persons serve god by studying the sacred text and living by the teachings of Jesus Christ.

4 There is only one God who watcher over and cares
for people. Yahweh loves and protects His people, but also holds people accountable for their sins and shortcomings. People serve Yahweh by studying the Torah and living by its teachings.

5 Persons achieve complete peace and happiness,
known as nirvana, by eliminating their attachment to worldly things Nirvana is reached by following the Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truth.

6 The soul never dies, but is continually reborn.
Persons achieve happiness and enlightenment by freeing themselves from earthly desires Freedom from earthly desires comes from a lifetime of worship, knowledge, and virtuous acts; polytheistic.

7 Social order, harmony, and good government
Respect for parents and elders is important to a well ordered society Education is important both to the welfare of the individual and society.

8 In Buddhism, the “enlightened” one

9 founder of Buddhism; priests prophesized his

10 founded the religion of Islam; the last prophet of

11 in Torah, a shepherd chosen by God to lead the
Hebrew people

12 led the Hebrew "Exodus;" received the Ten

13 Tolerance of other cultures; focus on learning and
advancement; origins on Arabian Peninsula; empire reached parts of Asia, Africa, and Europe

14 Indo-European speakers; took control of Anatolia
(Asia Minor) around 2000 B.C.; borrowed ideas from Mesopotamian culture; skilled in war and iron technology; used chariots

15 Indo-European people, entered the Indus River
Valley around 1500 B.C.; the Vedas; used a 4 caste system

16 Powerful seafaring traders in the Mediterranean;
lived on Crete; dominated trade from 2000 to 1400 B.C.; capital of Knossos

17 Powerful traders in city-states along
Mediterranean; skilled shipbuilders; developed a system of writing and the western alphabet

18 dry grasslands; north of the Caucasus mountains

19 social classes; developed by the Aryans first

20 that of shepherds herding livestock around open
areas of land according to seasons and the changing availability of water and pasture

21 community of people who live in different
locations, moving from one place to another in search of grasslands for their animals

22 sacred writing of the Aryans; reveal much of their

23 Muslim leader, meaning "successor" or "deputy"

24 One of the Five Pillars of Islam; performing the
pilgrimage to Mecca at least once

25 Follow Muhammad's example, support the

26 "Party" of Ali, believe the caliph should be
Muhammad's descendent

27 Muslim migration from Mecca to Yathrib (Medina)

28 Bonus Jeopardy! 100 pts. per answer
1. A former rebel group who took control of the Muslim Empire; developed a bureaucracy, taxed imports, and sent diplomats across the empire 2. Wealthy family who took leadership of the Muslim Empire following the 4 "rightly" guided caliphs; distanced themselves from traditional values 3. Islamic house of worship 4. money provided by conquered people in exchange for peace 5. a mutual promise made between God and Abraham 6. land promised to the Hebrew people by God 7. united Jews under the kingdom of Israel; established Jerusalem as its capital 8. legendary king of the Mediterranean; owned a minotaur 9. Arabic word, meaning “submission to the will of Allah” 10. Arabic word, meaning “one who has submitted”

29 Final Jeopardy! a new religious sub-set formed under Hinduism, focused on not harming other creatures, trade, commerce, and religious tolerances?

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