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The Rotary Foundation & Future Vision Plan

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1 The Rotary Foundation & Future Vision Plan
Session 6 Rotary Foundation President Elects Training 23 March 2012 PP June Jonet Approximately 100 districts will be selected to to test the new grants model between 1 July 2010 and 30 June 2013. TRF & Future vision plan 2012 – by PP June jonet

2 Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet
Learning objectives Identify the programs and activities of The Rotary Foundation. Understand how to support Foundation programs. Lead the club in establishing Foundation goals. Understand the Future Vision Plan. During the course of this presentation, the following topics will be addressed: background of FVP; why and how it was developed overview & objectives of the new grant model highlight the resources available to Rotarians As there are both veterans and new rotarians of varying knowledge level, my ppt will indicate if it is a basic or advanced level information Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

3 Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet
Lesson aids Let’s make this session more engaging… Quick Quiz Role play Information giving, experiential sharing If you have a difficult question or one that takes a long explaination, write your question and your on the board, so that we can reply you later Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

4 Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet
Visual Aids As the TRF knowledge varies with audiences, this ppt is colour coded to help manage your expectations / understanding Blue headers are basic info Red headers are advance info or involves activity Turquoise headers are about Future Vision plan Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

5 Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet
POP QUIZ! Which of these fall under The Rotary Foundation? • Annual Giving (EREY, PHF) • Permanent Fund • Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship • Youth Exchange Programme • Foundation of Rotary Clubs (S) • Dollar to Dollar club funding • Matching Grants (DDF & DSG) • Donation to disaster relief • Rotary World Peace Fellowship • Volunteer service grants • Club leadership plan • Annual programs Fund SHARE • District Dues • Permanent Fund • ROTAFOM • Group Study Exchange • Polio Plus • Future Vision Plan • club’s bursary fund • TRF Alumni • Club fees • SINDEX • 3-H grants • shelterbox Get the participants to sit in pairs, and fill up the blank paper with the answers Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

6 Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet
POP QUIZ! Which of these fall under The Rotary Foundation? How many did you get right? Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

7 Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet
POP QUIZ! 10min mark Which of these fall under The Rotary Foundation? Annual Giving (EREY, PHF) Permanent Fund Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship Group Study Exchange Polio Plus Future Vision Plan Matching Grants (DDF & DSG) Alumni Rotary World Peace Fellowship Volunteer service grants 3-H grants Annual programs Fund SHARE Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

8 The Foundation’s Motto and Mission
Doing Good in the World …to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. The Rotary Foundation is Rotary’s charitable organization. The motto of The Rotary Foundation is doing good in the world. The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

9 Doing good in the world…
15min mark Has your club recently embarked on any TRF projects mentioned? The Rotary Foundation is Rotary’s charitable organization. The motto of The Rotary Foundation is doing good in the world. The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

10 Growth of the Foundation
H grants and club partnership 1985 PolioPlus campaign launched 1999 Rotary Centers for International Studies ,000 Matching Grants approved since District Simplified Grants launched 2004 Another 10,000 Matching Grants approved 2005 Future Vision Committee begins 2007 Gates $100 Million Challenge for polio 2008 Another 10,000 Matching Grants approved 2009 Gates commits additional $255 million for $200 Million Challenge 2010 Pilot phase of FVP with 100 districts 2013 Full implenation of FVP Over the past three decades, Rotarians have increasingly relied on The Rotary Foundation to help them address humanitarian and educational needs locally and abroad. As Rotarians generously increased their giving to the Foundation and proposed additional ways to address humanitarian and educational needs, the Foundation responded by offering new programs. Some examples of this program growth include the establishment of Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants in 1979 and the exponential growth in Matching Grants in the past 10 years. District Simplified Grants were created in 2003 and became a popular way for districts to distribute grant funds directly to clubs for projects in their own communities and abroad. However, it is the Foundation’s focused efforts on polio eradication that have led to its most internationally recognized accomplishments and attracted support and funding from governments, NGOs, and most recently the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has committed a total of $355 million to The Rotary Foundation. The growth in activity in the Educational and Humanitarian program areas has made it increasingly difficult for these programs to produce high impact, focused, and sustainable outcomes while providing timely service. As the Foundation adapted to the increasing numbers of grant requests, its processes became more complex, larger, and less efficient. Rotarians demand and deserve a more simple and more effective Foundation that builds on the lessons learned over the last 30 years. Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

11 2012-13 District TRF committee
Chair - PDG David Tong Rotary Alumni- PDG Lim Hock Teck Annual Giving - PDG Edward Burongoh   Permanent Fund - PDG Chris Chen   Grants - PP K.B. Lee   Scholarship - PDG John Cheah   Future Vision Plan - PP June Jonet Group Study Exchange - PP John Ng A major objective of Future Vision is to strengthen the impact of the projects and activities conducted by Rotarians. Rotary Foundation Global Grants will enable Rotarians to identify projects that have greater impact on the beneficiaries by offering support in designing projects with sustainable outcomes. These projects will be developed in partnership with other clubs and districts. Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

12 Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet
Role of the committee 20min mark Resource for helping to achieve Foundation goals Educates Rotarians about The Rotary Foundation Develops plans to support the Foundation through financial contributions and club participation in Foundation programs Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

13 Need more info at District assembly?
Information on TRF are given out at: 23 March 2012 Friday am at RLI part 1 on basic knowledge of TRF 23 March 2012 Friday 11am -12 noon at PETs on basic knowledge of TRF 23 March 2012 Friday 225pm – 3pm at RLI part 2 on how your $$$ work manyfold (Annual giving, Share system, Matching grants strategy, Future vision plan) 24 March 2012 Saturday 1145am at DA on matching grants & the Future vision model (practical session on filling up forms & new info on FV plan) Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

14 Rotary Foundation funding
25min mark Rotarian Contributions TRF Program Funding Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

15 Rotary Foundation funding
25min mark Rotarian Contributions TRF Program Funding District Designated Fund (DDF) World Fund Investment Earnings Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

16 Rotary Foundation funding
25min mark Rotarian Contributions TRF Program Funding District Designated Fund (DDF) SHARE World Fund Investment Earnings Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

17 Rotary Foundation funding
25min mark Rotarian Contributions TRF Program Funding District Designated Fund (DDF) SHARE World Fund Investment Earnings Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

18 Funds & Grant Models Annual Programs Fund World fund District DDF
Nothing changes here. Your EREY & PHF contributions After 3 years, 50% goes to world fund, 50% goes to your DDF Based on feedback from tens of thousands of Rotarians around the world who participated in surveys and focus groups: the Future Vision Plan has the following objectives: ・Strengthening the impact of club projects on beneficiaries ・Sharpening the focus of overall grant activity ・Increase the sense of ownership at the district and club levels by transferring more decisions to the districts ・Partnering with other organizations on the corporate level to leverage foundation funding and Rotary’s resources ・Simplifying the Foundation to help expedite grant processing ・Increasing visibility and the image of Rotary locally and globally Funds & Grant Models Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

19 Sample Grant model in comparison
World fund District DDF Grant Terminology District Simplified Grants Matching Grants = District Grants = Global Grants The matching ratio for Global Grants is still the same For cash/restricted PHF its $0.5:$1 and $1:$1 for DDF Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

20 Sample Grant model in comparison
World fund District DDF Grant Terminology Packaged Matching Grants from World Fund Packaged global grants are predesigned projects with TRF strategic partners Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

21 Rotary Foundation funding
30min mark District Raises $100,000 in $100,000 divided into 2 Parts: • District Designated Fund (DDF): 50% or $50,000 • World Fund (WF): $50% or $50,000• Determined by District Officers via SHARE FormsSpending on DDF Three Years Later•Spending of World Fund Determined by Trustees of The Rotary Foundation•Contribute - Allocate - Select - Spend What your contributions go towards. Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

22 Rotary Foundation funding
30min mark Ambassadorial Scholarships funds USD24,000 per scholar per year. GSE programs receive USD11,000 Grants for university teachers (USD24,000 for a professor to teach for 6-10 months in a developing country Matching grants (usd 5,000-25,000) Competitive grants (usd25, ,000) What your contributions go towards. Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

23 The Rotary Foundation & Future Vision Plan
Session 6 Rotary Foundation Future Vision Plan President Elects Training 23 March 2012 PP June Jonet Approximately 100 districts will be selected to to test the new grants model between 1 July 2010 and 30 June 2013. TRF & Future vision plan 2012 – by PP June jonet

24 Objectives of Future Vision
Strengthen impact of club projects Sharpen focus of overall grants activity Transfer more decision-making locally Partner with other organizations Simplify the Foundation grants process Increase visibility and image Based on feedback from tens of thousands of Rotarians around the world who participated in surveys and focus groups: the Future Vision Plan has the following objectives: ・Strengthening the impact of club projects on beneficiaries ・Sharpening the focus of overall grant activity ・Increase the sense of ownership at the district and club levels by transferring more decisions to the districts ・Partnering with other organizations on the corporate level to leverage foundation funding and Rotary’s resources ・Simplifying the Foundation to help expedite grant processing ・Increasing visibility and the image of Rotary locally and globally Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

25 Objectives: Areas of Focus
12/28/2018 Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet 6C.7

26 Transfer Decision-making Locally
District- and club-level committees direct use of District Grant funds Districts continue to direct use of DDF to obtain matching funds from the Foundation Another objective of Future Vision is to transfer more decision-making related to grants from the Foundation to the club and district level. Districts will administer Rotary Foundation District Grants locally. The Foundation will issue district grants in one block amount at the start of the year. The district can then use funds in any increments to fund humanitarian and educational projects and activities either locally or abroad. These projects and activities must simply relate to the mission of The Rotary Foundation and will not be limited to the six areas of focus. Districts will continue to decide how to use their District Designated Funds (DDF) to apply for Rotary Foundation Global Grants. Global grants provide matching funds from the Foundation for projects and activities that relate to the six areas of focus. Districts can determine the areas of focus and the amount of DDF used each year for the global grant projects they sponsor. Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

27 Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet
Partnerships Strategic partnerships with NGOs and corporations will enhance Rotary’s capability to address urgent world needs. Future Vision will also help the Foundation enhance the community service work of Rotarians by establishing strategic partnerships with other organizations. The Foundation will leverage Rotary’s resources worldwide, both in human and financial terms, and involve others in the Foundation’s mission. Some of the benefits of strategic partnerships for the Foundation will be cost sharing, grant funding, technical expertise, and support with advocacy efforts. Packaged global grants are predesigned projects with TRF strategic partners Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

28 Simplify and Expedite Grants
Rotarians will easily understand and navigate grant options. Rotarians will enjoy faster grant payment processing Another important objective of Future Vision is to simplify the Foundation and expedite grants processing. By offering only two grant types--district grants and global grants—the Foundation can use the same funding approach for humanitarian projects, scholarships, and vocational training teams. There will also be streamlined reporting requirements for grants. Rotarians will enjoy faster grants processing on the part of the Foundation. By relying more on advance training, a refined district committee structure, clear stewardship controls, and electronic payment methods, the Foundation will decrease the amount of time between the submission of a grant application and the issuance of funds. Under the new grants model, scholars will already have university admission, vocational training teams will have selected their members, and letters of support will have been secured from the proposed host districts before the global grant application is submitted, reducing the time between submission of the application and the grantee’s travel abroad. Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

29 Increase Visibility and Image
Rotary will become increasingly recognized as a premier foundation, which will in turn help increase Rotary membership, donations, and grant activity. Another objective of Future Vision is to increase the visibility and image of the Foundation and Rotarians’ efforts around the world. Rotary will be recognized as a premier foundation as Rotarians begin to make a greater impact in the areas of focus and partnerships are established with major international organizations and corporations. In short time, The Rotary Foundation will be viewed as a partner of choice. Rotarians will begin to experience the same success in public relations with their new Foundation grants activity as they have seen with the PolioPlus Program. This increased visibility will lead to increases in Rotary membership and donations to the Foundation, which in turn will lead to more grants. Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

30 Annual Programs Fund World fund District DDF Funds & Grant Models
Nothing changes here. Your EREY & PHF contributions After 3 years, 50% goes to world fund, 50% goes to your DDF Based on feedback from tens of thousands of Rotarians around the world who participated in surveys and focus groups: the Future Vision Plan has the following objectives: ・Strengthening the impact of club projects on beneficiaries ・Sharpening the focus of overall grant activity ・Increase the sense of ownership at the district and club levels by transferring more decisions to the districts ・Partnering with other organizations on the corporate level to leverage foundation funding and Rotary’s resources ・Simplifying the Foundation to help expedite grant processing ・Increasing visibility and the image of Rotary locally and globally Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

31 Sample Grant model in comparison
World fund District DDF Grant Terminology District Simplified Grants Matching Grants = District Grants = Global Grants DSG used to be 20% of DDF, but under Future vision, it will be increased to 50% of DDF District Grants given in a single block Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

32 Sample Grant model in comparison
World fund District DDF Grant Terminology District Simplified Grants Matching Grants = District Grants = Global Grants The matching ratio for Global Grants is still the same For cash/restricted PHF its $0.5:$1 and $1:$1 for DDF Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

33 Sample Grant model in comparison
World fund District DDF Grant Terminology Packaged Matching Grants from World Fund Packaged global grants are predesigned projects with TRF strategic partners Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

34 Examples of District Grants
Donate art supplies Fund volunteer travel So what are some other examples of projects or activities supported by Rotary Foundation District Grants? International travel for a local doctor to volunteer at a clinic. The district has complete control over the length of travel and who is qualified to go. Possible travelers could be non-Rotarians, Rotarians, Rotaract members, spouses of Rotarians, etc. The district will also have the flexibility to cover any immunizations, visas, hotel costs, supplies relating to the project. Scholarship for a student to attend a local or international university. The district will be able to determine the area of study, length of study term, and the age and previous experience the scholar should have. The scholarship could fund their travel, tuition, books, and other school fees. Donating art supplies for an after-school youth program. The district can choose to do this local project in conjunction with a single club or as a districtwide project. They will also be able to provide $500 worth of supplies or $15,000 worth of supplies, depending on how the district chooses to use these funds. Send ShelterBox containers in response to natural disaster in another district. The district may have initially earmarked funds for an after school program. After learning about a recent disaster, the district can change its original plans and use that funding to respond to the disaster. Support a district project funded primarily by the clubs. Rotarians from several Rotary clubs in the district work together to develop a water project in a rural village and have raised some funding on their own but need a small amount more to complete the project and purchase the necessary equipment. The district distributes some of their district grant funds to the clubs involved to complete this small humanitarian project in their district. Hold a professional exchange with another district similar to the current Group Study Exchange program. The district could select participants to travel based on their own requirements and use district grant funds to purchase the airfare and other travel-related expenses. The district might also choose to use these funds to bring a team from another district as part of the exchange. All of these activities funded with Rotary Foundation District Grants are eligible provided they fall within the overall mission of the Foundation. Send a ShelterBox to a disaster area Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

35 District Grants: Sample Activities
Exchange of mixed professional vocational training teams with another district International travel for local doctor to volunteer at a clinic Scholarship for student to attend local or international university Art supplies to assist youth after-school program a hygiene-education program for primary school students Sending ShelterBox containers in response to natural disasters in other districts cultural exchange with musicians from Venezuela. The first district grant was awarded to District 3330 in Thailand. The district plans to use the funds to support a variety of projects, including buying books, computers, and sports equipment for schools; providing clean water for students; and adding patient beds at a hospital. Here are some additional examples of ways in which districts can use their district grant funds: Organize an exchange of mixed profession vocational training teams with another district Support international travel for local doctor to volunteer at a clinic Provide a scholarship for student to attend local or international university Donate art supplies to assist youth after-school program Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

36 Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet
District Structure 12/28/2018 District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair PolioPlus Subcommittee Grants Fundraising Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

37 Challenges for our district … IMHO ;p
Our district comprises of Singapore, East Malaysia, South Malaysia and Brunei – each with different economic growth, social problems, financial contributions etc – thus creating differing views on solutions eg on VTT, scholarship, etc We need to be properly trained in the new streamlined forms and processes. Unfortunately, our double edged sword is that we have many towkays and big chiefs Strategy on allocation of district grants Based on feedback from tens of thousands of Rotarians around the world who participated in surveys and focus groups: the Future Vision Plan has the following objectives: ・Strengthening the impact of club projects on beneficiaries ・Sharpening the focus of overall grant activity ・Increase the sense of ownership at the district and club levels by transferring more decisions to the districts ・Partnering with other organizations on the corporate level to leverage foundation funding and Rotary’s resources ・Simplifying the Foundation to help expedite grant processing ・Increasing visibility and the image of Rotary locally and globally Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

38 Need more info at District assembly?
Information on TRF are given out at: 23 March 2012 Friday am at RLI part 1 on basic knowledge of TRF 23 March 2012 Friday 11am -12 noon at PETs on basic knowledge of TRF 23 March 2012 Friday 225pm – 3pm at RLI part 2 on how your $$$ work manyfolds (Annual giving, Share system, Matching grants strategy, Future vision plan) 24 March 2012 Saturday 1145am at DA on matching grants & the Future vision model (practical session on filling up forms & new info on FV plan) Future vision plan 2011 – by PP June jonet

39 A Foundation for the Future
To learn more visit: To ask a question This concludes the presentation on The Rotary Foundation’s Future Vision Plan. To learn more about the plan and the pilot, please visit the RI Web site at

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