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Big Ten Explorers.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Ten Explorers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Ten Explorers

2 Columbus Wanted to sail what direction to get to the Indies/China? _____ Instead, landed on what island? _________ Sailed for ______ (King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella __ voyages in all. Thought he was in Indies, not a New World

3 And he was the first to….. Sail WEST across the Atlantic Ocean

4 Magellan Searched for Northwest Passage to Pacific Ocean
Named the _______ Ocean lst to circumnavigate the world (he died before finishing)

5 And he was the first to….. Sail around the world by ship!

6 Cabot Sailed for England Landed on coast of _________, Canada
Looking for _______ Passage to Asia When you think of Cabot, think CCC

7 And the first to…… Touch the continent of North America (I didn’t say the USA)

8 Ponce de Leon Looking for “fountain of _________”
Established St. Augustine, Florida Killed by a ______ arrow

9 And he was the first explorer to.. …..
Touch the USA. Where did he touch?

10 Hudson Sailed for the Netherlands (Dutch)
Looking for a ____________ Passage to Asia , then looking for a ______ Passage Men mutinied and threw him off the ship

11 Hudson Page 2 Noted for: Having a river and a bay named after him
He found New York City (great harbor) Dutch people lived in NYC because of him

12 Cartier Claimed land in Canada for what country? _____ 1534
Sailed down the St. _______ River Also was looking for ___ and (guess what?)

13 Cortes Spanish Conquistador
Conquered Aztecs and their emperor Montezuma (Mexico) Sailed for Spain, 1504 Aztecs thought he was a “god”

14 Balboa Spanish Explorer 1501 Married Indian Chief's daughter

15 The first explorer to……
See the Pacific Ocean!

16 Pizzaro Conquered the Inca Empire in South America with just 180 men
How did he do that? 1502, for Spain

17 Vespucci Amerigo Vespucci
____________ was named after him, not after ____________ Why do you think?

18 Goods shipped From the Americas to Europe

19 Potatoes

20 Beans

21 Chocolate

22 Buffalo

23 Beaver

24 Parrots

25 Goods shipped from Europe to the Americas -

26 Onion

27 Sheep

28 Horses

29 Cattle

30 Honeybees

31 Pigs

32 Chickens

33 Diseases Small Pox Ouch to the Indians

34 Influenza

35 Measles

36 Why Explore at all? Find Gold

37 Spread Christianity

38 Find New Land for King

39 Trade with other countries

40 Spices make food taste better

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