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Unit 11: Vietnam.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 11: Vietnam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 11: Vietnam

2 Introduction Highly controversial Changed politics & culture
To understand the war, we fist need to understand how & why the US got involved

3 The Vietnam War Throughout this unit:
Focus on the ideas expressed AND the words & phrases used Think about the values & perceptions behind opinions

4 The Vietnam war You will:
Follow the path of US decision makers as the Vietnam War unfolded. Be given the info they had at the time. Analyze the situation in Vietnam at several junctures & explore the policy choices decision-makers considered. Consider questions & lessons from the period that still influence policy-makers today.

5 The Cold War in Southeast Asia
Part 1 The Cold War in Southeast Asia

6 US Policy: Containment

7 France & Indochina

8 The US & SE Asia

9 Geneva conference

10 Map Follow the directions to label & color the map in your packet.

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