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The Book’s Title The Author’s Name

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Presentation on theme: "The Book’s Title The Author’s Name"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Book’s Title The Author’s Name
Full names Of each member Of your Lit Circle Group Go here

2 How to use this template
Each slide tells you exactly what you need to do. Insert additional slides as specified. KEEP THE HEADINGS AND THE SAME ORDER FOR EACH SECTION. See the sections to the right and each take one/two section/s to complete:

3 Key to success No full sentences
Minimal text except for the passages you are copying to share No reading off the screen Large font that can be easily read LOTS of good images Key to success PowerPoint is made to ILLUSTRATE WHAT YOU ARE SAYING so go light on the text and heavy on the images!

4 Setting On this slide you should provide the following information in POINT FORM ONLY: Time (approximate year, season, etc.) Place (real or imaginary) Cultural setting (social class, language, etc.) Atmosphere, mood Specific details (house, apartment, school, etc.)

5 An image related to setting
This could be one or two slides showing your depiction of the setting and/or a map Think of using drawings, Google maps, or images from flickr or Google

6 Background information
Explain what you learned about the location, the culture of the people, the social conditions, and any other interesting details about the story or the writer during your novel study. Be sure to add images wherever possible!

7 Main characters Use one slide for EACH main character in order to show: An image of the character (your illustrator’s creation or photos of actors you would cast to play the role) Give one quote that captures the essence of the character Add a variety of adjectives to describe the character

8 Other characters List other characters and explain the role of each in the novel – why did the writer create these characters? What role do they play? Include images if possible but limit this to just a slide or two NOT one slide per character

9 The complication You don’t want to give away the whole story, but you need to describe in point form the complication that sets off the action of the novel. Include an illustration here

10 The conflict Describe in point form the different types of conflict in the novel and try to illustrate each Use a separate slide for each: One slide for person vs. person One slide for person vs. Himself/herself One slide for person vs. Society/environment

11 Five key words Choose five key words that show the theme, tone, topic, character, mood or cultural background of the novel. Use one slide for each word, explain the significance of the word and try to add an illustration

12 Pertinent Passages Choose 3 key passages that illustrate
the novel’s theme the protagonist’s character and the central conflict. Copy the passage in full Explain how the passage is important in explaining the theme, conflict and character.

13 Connections Use pertinent passages to explain at least TWO connections you made to other novels or to modern life, school, current events, etc. The text to self/text/world connections….. Copy the full passage and use one slide for each passage.

14 The writer’s style Choose at least two interesting passages and make two slides to show the writer’s style. Avoid listing similes and examples of onomatopeia, personification or hyerbole: instead, choose passages that are really enjoyable to read because of the images they invoke in the reader’s mind.

15 Conclusion: Was this a good read?
Share your group’s overall impression of the novel: What made it a good read? Would you read another book by the same author? What type of reader might also enjoy this book?

16 Credits Setting, Complication and Conflict
Student’s name Illustrator and Character Studies Passages and Connections Background information and Key Words Writer’s Style and Conclusion

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