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How technology and innovation will impact The Future of Urban Water Management Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa, PhD UNESCO International Hydrological Programme Paris,

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Presentation on theme: "How technology and innovation will impact The Future of Urban Water Management Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa, PhD UNESCO International Hydrological Programme Paris,"— Presentation transcript:

1 How technology and innovation will impact The Future of Urban Water Management Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa, PhD UNESCO International Hydrological Programme Paris, France contributing to the building of peace, alleviation of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, science, culture, communication and information

2 Water and Cities

3 International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO Urban Water in IHP-VI (2002-2007)


5 Urban groundwater modeling

6 Urban groundwater modeling: UGROW UGROW – An advanced modellng tool for the transient simulation and management of urban groundwater systems UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO

7 International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO Urban Water in IHP-VII (2008-2013) Impacts of global changes on cities urban water systems adaptation to climate change Sustainable urban water management strategies Best Management Practices (BMPs) and best technologies for sustainable urban water management Urban water governance addressing social, economic and institutional dimensions of integrated urban water management Water and sanitation: slum Promoting science, knowledge and capacity building for sustainable urban water management

8 Sustainable Urban Water Management Strategies Exploring and identifying promising directions for sustainable water management strategies, including alternative (low-cost) technologies and innovations Managing the interactions between different components of the urban water cycle Moving from water supply management to demand- side management

9 The Way Forward How do we harness the technology and scientific advances that have been made in the field of water resources management of the past decades? Why have we not yet moved to an integrated approach to urban water management? How can we use new technologies to better understand groundwater process so that we can utilize their potential in the urban context?


11 International Hydrological Programme (IHP) UNESCOs International Hydrological Programme: the only global, intergovernmental scientific programme of the UN system devoted to water science, research and capacity building for sustainable water resources management. responds to the needs and priorities of UNESCO Member States IHP National Committees and focal points in165 countries implemented in 6-year phases: IHP-VII (2008-2013) 3 decades of water science and capacity building (since 1975)

12 IHP continuity with change IHP-V (1996-2001) Hydrology and Water Resources Development in a Vulnerable Environment IHP-VII (2008-2013) Water Dependencies: Systems under Stress and Societal Responses IHP-IV (1990-1995) Hydrology and Water Resources Sustainable Development in a Changing Environment IHP-VI (2002-2007) Water Interactions: Systems at Risk and Social Challenges

13 Implementation of IHP activities At the global level At the regional and local levels Global issues Regional and local issues

14 Thank you! UNESCO International Hydrological Programme

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