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Together Towards Taiwan ExCom Agenda for

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Presentation on theme: "Together Towards Taiwan ExCom Agenda for"— Presentation transcript:

1 Together Towards Taiwan ExCom Agenda for 2010-2011
Priorities and deliverables for the year ahead Jordan, 25th September 2010

2 Last Year’s thrust areas
Strengthening the external interface Streamlining operational efficiency Growing the reach Enhancing our marketing orientation Releasing latent energy of committed volunteers Bringing positivity

3 Together Towards Taiwan
Continued agenda from work-in-progress from Continuity of thrust areas from last year Implementation of resolutions emerging from Jordan Meeting Committee agenda Breakthrough agenda Events Calendar implementation Constantinius Event - implementation Develop recommendations for Hub configurations Continued thrust on communication ExCom reporting ExCom messages E-Meridian

4 The Bend in the River BSG from stands dissolved. Implementation is now ExCom priority First step: Search and selection committee to define Roles and responsibilities Deliverables for the job – tangible, measureable, bottom line driven Defining terms of engagement Process of recruitment New enabling structures will need to be set up for implementing Breakthrough projects 1 thru 6 from Jordan

5 Comments and Suggestions?
Thank You Aneeta Madhok, PhD. CMC Chairperson, ExCom ICMCI

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