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French-English Relations: From New France to 1944

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1 French-English Relations: From New France to 1944

2 New France 2 Reasons to Colonize:
Economic Expansion (fur trade, timber, shipbuilding) Exploration (try to find closer route to Far East)

3 Who made up the society of New France ?
Farmers, Roman Catholic Clergy, Army, fur traders Feudal system in effect (farmers pay % of crop to “Lord” and 10% to Church)

4 British Conquest 1759 on the Plains of Abraham
After conquest the French Army leaves, the British Army stays, French citizens stay - the British attempt to anglicize and assimilate them (insist they speak English, bring in British colonists, diminish influence of Catholicism) New France becomes “Quebec”

5 The Quebec Act 1774 Why ? keep Quebecers happy to prevent them from joining the rebellion in the 13 colonies (America) Official recognition of French language Permits Catholics to hold office Permitted to practice Catholicism and clergy can collect “tithe” Keep French civil laws Gives Quebec land west of 13 colonies

6 Confederation 1867 French-Canadians worry about losing identity, language, educations, culture The British respond with Section 92 of the B.N.A. Act , which gives provinces control over many matters (education, etc. - the irony is…)

7 How do the following events impact French - English relations in Canada ?

8 Red River Rebellion 1869-70 Louis Riel and Metis concerns
provisional government Thomas Scott, the Orangemen and the surveyors The Execution of Thomas Scott Riel escapes to the U.S.

9 Northwest Rebellion 1885 After selling or abandoning their land in Manitoba, many Metis move Northwest to Saskatchewan in search of wide open spaces Canadian government decides to expand there next - Riel returns to lead the fight - starts peaceful, but the Feds don’t notice the protests and petitions

10 fight breaks out between the Metis and the Northwest Mounted Police, several officers are killed
Riel is arrested and put on trial, then found guilty and hanged

11 Manitoba Schools Question
In 1870 Manitoba was mostly French-speaking and Catholic. As part of Confederation they were promised Catholic Francophone schools would be supported by provincial government funds. By 1890 there are more English-speaking Protestants, and the provincial government cuts funds to French Catholic schools.

12 compromise is reached (last 30 minutes of school day is for religious instruction, if more than 10 French-speaking students a French teacher must be hired)

13 Conscription Crisis I 1917 P.M. Borden asked for more men by British command, so he passes the Military Service Act which means all men must join army Rest of Canada is upset before this because Quebec has the lowest enlistment Quebec is upset with this Act because they see it as a “European War” - riots break out in Montreal and Quebec City

14 Conscription Crisis II
P.M. King promises no conscription in 1940 By 1942 casualties are outnumbering enlisted men, so King holds a referendum to release him from his promise Result - 78% Canadians vote yes (but in Quebec only 28% vote yes) Conscription Bill passes

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