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Warm up What was the Congress of Vienna? What was their main goal?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up What was the Congress of Vienna? What was their main goal?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up What was the Congress of Vienna? What was their main goal?
What were the 3 schools of thought we discussed yesterday? Who made up each group? What was the first country to revolt because of Nationalism? Be ready to answer at 8:35!

2 France Yes – Revolution in France Again!
Radicals revolted in France: Why? They wanted a democratic govt. Les Miserables

3 Timeline for Change in France
1830- King Charles X tried to return to an absolute monarchy Riots broke out, Charles fled to England Louis-Philippe takes over the monarchy He supported liberal reforms in France

4 1848 – Louis-Philippe becomes unpopular
Paris Mob revolted and France becomes a republic again New government starts falling apart Radicals vs. radicals Bloody battles in the streets Moderates rise to power & a new constitution was written

5 Dec 1848 – Louis- Napoleon, nephew of Napoleon won presidential election.
1852 – Emperor Napoleon III (Louis- Napoleon) was accepted by the public Napoleon III – built railroads, increased jobs, and prosperity.

6 Nationalist Movements

7 Nationalism was the most powerful idea of the 1800’s
It upset the balance of power created by the Congress of Vienna

8 Nationalists believed that people of a single “nationality” should unite under a single government

9 Authoritarian rulers saw potential in using Nationalism to unify masses of people together and build countries that kept them in power

10 Types of Nationalist Movements
Unification Separation State-Building Types of Nationalist Movements

11 Mergers of politically divided but culturally similar lands
Unification Mergers of politically divided but culturally similar lands 19th Century Germany 19th Century Italy

12 Separation Culturally distinctive group resists being added to a state or breaks away from a state Greeks from the Ottomans French Speaking Canadians

13 State Building Culturally distinct groups form into a state by accepting a single culture United States

14 Case Studies In groups we will look at different nationalistic movements around the world during this time period. Your group’s job will be to share that information with the class. You have the rest of today to read, understand, and decide how to share that information with the class.

15 Information Needed Was the movement a unification, separatist, or state- building movement? What were the conditions before the nationalistic movement? What caused the movement? What were the main events during the revolution? What were the immediate results of the Revolution? What were the long-term effects of the movement?

16 Presentation Your group will present the information about your movement to the class. Everyone should speak. Decide who will become an expert on each part and who will present the information. Remember to speak slowly because other students will be taking notes.

17 Nationalism Movement Options
Germany (pg ) Italy (pg ) Austria (pg ) Ottoman Empire (pg ) Russia (pg ) China (pg ) Ireland (pg ) India (pg )

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