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Developing Edinburgh’s Young Workforce (DEYW)

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Edinburgh’s Young Workforce (DEYW)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Edinburgh’s Young Workforce (DEYW)
Early Years (where do you fit?)

2 Broad General Education
Senior Phase Employer Engagement Earlier Intervention DEYW


4 Developing Edinburgh’s Young Workforce
Developing a Skills for Work framework from Nursery to S3. Use as a focus point within BGE planning, along with significant aspects New Career Education Standards (3-18) Skills Framework – not into the senior phase as all national and higher qualifications have the skills for learning, life and work embedded New Career Standards – expectation that all teachers contribute to awareness of a learners skills and how these can relate to other areas, careers, etc.


6 Developing Edinburgh’s Young Workforce
Employer Engagement is a big element Two-way partnership There is no exclusivity (no one-to-one partnerships) Initiative platform for you to view and book slots with employers called the Market Place CPD (CF2278–Fostering Business Partnerships) available (MY HR) HGIOS 4 (partnerships and skills) Employability Clusters are being set up (more work with primaries/early years centres and secondary's) - not just them and you Exclusivity – this does not mean we are stopping schools from engaging with employers, but that they cannot be solely with that school. This is based on the social mobility of the population, that students need multiple ways and opportunities to develop skills, not just one, as this would limit development and depth Clusters – packs were sent to all secondary school Head Teachers at the start of this session, and this is considered a priority to engage with your primaries more



9 Contact Details John Schmidt Employability in Schools Manager City of Edinburgh Council Tel:

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