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Goncharov Ivan Aleksandrovich ( )

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1 Goncharov Ivan Aleksandrovich (1812-1891)

2 B i o g r a p h y Born in Simbirsk (Ulyanovsk) into a wealthy family.
Graduated from Moscow University in 1834 Among his classmates were Lermontov, Herzen, Turgenev

3 B i o g r a p h y (cont.) For the next 30 years served as a governmental official (translator, censor) Best known novels: A Common Story (1847) (Обыкновенная история), Oblomov (1859) (Обломов), The Precipice (1869) (Обрыв)

4 Oblomov, Ilya Il’ich Oblomov, an indolent and dreamy Russian nobleman, Became emblematic of a Russian social type, the “superfluous man”.

5 ‘Обломовщина’ ‘oblomovshchina’ ‘Oblomovitis’, ‘Oblomovism’
For a few moments Oblomov remained too plunged in thought to notice Zakhar's presence; but at length the valet coughed. "What do you want?" Oblomov inquired. "You called me just now, master?" "I called you, you say? Well, I cannot remember why I did so. Return to your room until I have remembered."

6 Several Days from the Life of I.I. Oblomov
Awards: Oxford’s Golden Shield for Best Directing (Nikita Mikhalkov) at the Oxford IFF, 1980; Oxford’s Silver Shield for Best Actor (Oleg Tabakov) at the Oxford IFF, 1980; Oxford’s Silver Shield for Best Actress (Yelena Solovey) at the Oxford IFF, 1980; Best Foreign Film of 1981, by the decision of U.S. National Council of Film Critics, 1981

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