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Body & Behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "Body & Behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Body & Behavior

2 How Are Genes & Behavior Linked?
Evolution- fundamentally shaped psychological processes b/c it favors genetic variations that produce adaptive behavior

3 Biopsychology & Neuroscience
How Genes & Behavior Linked innate- “programmed” for… evolution- process: generational adaptation to environment natural selection- survival of the fittest

4 Genetic & Inheritance Nature v Nurture!!! genetics influence???
genotype- genetic make-up [blueprint] phenotype- observable physical characteristics & “wiring” of brain chromosomes- genes are organized genes- encodes directions for inherited characteristics DNA- molecule encoding genetic characteristics Nature v Nurture!!!

5 How Does the Body Communicate Internally?
communication systems… nervous & endocrine **use chemical messengers

6 Brain organ control center… communication learning emotions memory oxygen & energy

7 Protecting the System components… damage =

8 Structure of System

9 core control monitoring body... Nervous System neurons -
synapses - monitoring body... sensory – cell gathers motor – cell sends

10 Nervous System Organization
Peripheral nervous system Central nervous system (CNS) Autonomic nervous system Somatic nervous system Sympathetic nervous system Parasympathetic nervous system

11 Nervous System @ Work chemical message… neurotransmitters –
(dopamine / serotonin / norepinephrine)

12 Nervous Work plasticity- synaptic pruning

13 Nervous System @ Work mirror neurons** somatic ns (SNS)
autonomic ns (ANS) sympathetic parasympathetic** thalamus relays messages mirror neurons**

14 Endocrine System @ Work
2nd system: messages via glands hypothalamus = conductor pituitary = “master gland” hormones = growth digestion sexual reproduction

15 How to Study? electroencephalograph (EEG)
computerized axial tomography (CAT scan) magnetic-resonance imaging (MRI) positron emission tomography (PET)

16 Studying & Recording CAT Scan MRI MRI CAT

17 Studying & Recording PET PET

18 Studying & Recording FMRI

19 Studying & Recording MEG Magnetoencephalography

20 Phineas Gage

21 Present Day Happenings




25 Brain Diagrammed

26 Limbic System


28 Lobes

29 Frontal Lobe Personality Goal Directed Behavior
attention & concentration planning Fine Motor Personality judgment / reasoning emotional expression creativity Expressive Language

30 Parietal Lobe Bodily sensation Language comprehension Speech
Visual & Spatial abilities

31 Temporal Lobe Complex vision Hearing Balance & equilibrium
Emotions & motivation Perceptual judgment Memories

32 Occipital Lobe Vision Limbic System Pain Hunger “Fight” or “Flight” Responses Emotions / Motivations Memories

33 Brain Power

34 Gender Differences Physical structure Functionality
**strengths & weaknesses**

35 Brain Problems

36 (briefly explain reasoning)
Lobe Assignment #1 If a fly lands on your forearm and you both see and feel it, which causes you to swing your other hand at it, which lobes of the brain are involved in this event? (briefly explain reasoning) #2 You hear your favorite song, what lobes go into action? #3 Create your own & answer





41 Leftie or Rightie? look at the spinning woman…
if she is turning right your right side of your brain is working . if she is turning left your left side of your brain is working .


43 The Brain Stem and Cerebellum
Thalamus Pons Cerebellum Medulla Brain stem

44 The Limbic System Hypothalamus – blood-testing lab
Amygdala – memory & emotion [fear & aggression] Hippocampus – long-term memories

45 Lobes of Cerebral Cortex
Frontal (movement & thinking) Parietal (sensation & spatial info) Occipital (contain visual cortex) Temporal (process sounds, including speech)

46 Hemispheres of Brain

47 Specialization of the Cerebral Hemispheres
Left Right Repetitive not spontaneous speaking Spontaneous speaking & writing Responses to complex commands Responses to simple commands Word recognition Facial recognition Memory- words & #s Memory- shapes & music Sequences of movements Spatial interpretation Emotional responsiveness Feelings of anxiety Positive emotion Negative emotion

48 Optic nerve Optic chiasm Optic tract Lateral geniculate nucleus Optic radiation Primary visual cortex


50 Cerebrum Cerebrum – topmost layer
Cerebral cortex – gray-matter covering of cerebrum; **thinking & perceiving Cerebral hemispheres – halves of cerebrum, connected by ??

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