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District Conference Training

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1 District Conference Training

2 Training OBJECTIVES Objective 1: To provide the conference committee an overview of district conference responsibilities Objective 2: To provide the necessary tools to use in conference planning Objective 3: To provide the opportunity to ask questions and seek advice from district trainer & other attendees

3 Early Things To Do • Select Conference Chairs
Read the D12 Policies and Procedures Manual 2015, pages Section IV. District Conference & Governor’s Seminar D12 Website, Resources, Manuals ZI District Conference Manual is also available but not D12 focused ZI Website, MYZONTA, Governance, Manuals • Determine Subcommittees and Select Chairs

4 Conference Committees/Positions
Treasurer Hotel/Food/AV Registration Protocol Credentials Tellers Speakers & Entertainment Pages Timekeeper Zonta Store International Rep Host Inventory Call to Conference/Conference Booklet/Save the Date

5 Procedures & Documents
District12 Website Resources, Leadership Training District Conference Training 5/31/17 District Conference Planning (Documents) Members Only, 2017 District Conference Planning

6 Early Things To Do Work w/ Governor to Select a Theme Select a Venue
Begin Creating a Budget Start Working on Meal Selection Look at Previous Year’s Agenda Think about Speakers/Breakout Sessions Start Working on AV Needs

7 A Little More on These Subjects
Governor Responsibilities: Agenda – Constantly changing, takes more time than you think Call to Conference Information & Voting s, President’s Checklist Script – Start early Seating Chart Lt. Governor Responsibilities: Awards Ceremony Memorial Service – w/ assistance from a Club in Area AV – Cost & Time Involved is HUGE - Get Outside Estimate – Budget – Needs to be Approved by D12 Board before Call goes Out

8 A Little More on These Subjects
International Rep – Assign a Host Speakers – Assign a Host Save the Date – Get Out Soon Call to Conference – Must be out at least 60 days prior – July 24th – shoot for July 17th Call/Skype/Zoom w/ Governor every 2 Weeks

9 Questions/Concerns not covered?
Conclusion It’s a lot of work but when the conference weekend arrives relax and enjoy it! Don’t hesitate to /call someone for help Questions/Concerns not covered?

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