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Richmond County Schools Title III Reporting Procedures

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Presentation on theme: "Richmond County Schools Title III Reporting Procedures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Richmond County Schools Title III Reporting Procedures
Melissa McAllister, ESOL/World Language/JROTC Coordinator

2 Reporting Title III Data for FTE

3 Reporting Title III Data for FTE

4 Log into Infinite Campus
Click on Search

5 Change the drop down search bar
to course and section and place the number 55 in the search box Course/Section 55


7 The teacher’s name should be the ESOL Teacher! Not the
homeroom teacher and the course should be a 55

8 2. Click on the roster 1. Click on the teacher’s name

9 Click on the student’s name

10 Click Index

11 16-17

12 Students who are being served must
be coded as LEP with an identified date Students who are monitored must be coded Exited LEP with and end date and the exit reason

13 Monitored Students Beginning in 2017-2018, EL students are
monitored for (4)four years Students who are monitored must be coded Exited LEP with and end date and the exit reason

14 Ending the Year- End the Year of Monitored student
End the year of ESOL-M10 here 5/24/2017

15 Beginning the Year of Monitored-Student
Monitored the Year of Monitored student Beginning the Year of Monitored-Student 8/7/2017 End the year of ESOL-M20 here 8/7/2017

16 and last year must be ended.
08/02/2016 08/02/2016 All students receiving services must have a new beginning date this year and last year must be ended. If a student is served at any other school besides Bayvale the coding will be with a new beginning date for this year ESOL ESOL Itinerant 1 If students are at Bayvale and are served one segment or one period ESOL ESOL New Beginning Date Nonitinerant 1 If they are served 2 periods (only 4th and 5th served two times a day) ESOL ESOL New Beginning Date Nonitinerant 2

17 Coding in LEP Services each year
Please make sure to end all dates and begin new ones this year with August of 2016 Beginning date will be first day of service End date will be the last day of service All students who are monitored should be coded as Monitored Y1 or Monitored Y2

18 Click General

19 Click Schedule

20 Please make sure the 55 course is in the student’s schedule if they are
receiving services with the ESOL teacher’s name as the teacher.

21 Please Call If you have any problems, please call me I will be glad to help and I hope this has been helpful. Melissa McAllister (Cell) Or

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