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Healthy & Unhealthy Strategies

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy & Unhealthy Strategies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy & Unhealthy Strategies
Coping Healthy & Unhealthy Strategies

2 STRESSOR RESPONSE COPING Frustration, Conflict, Change,
Pressure, & Personality RESPONSE Psychological & Physiological Response (Mind vs. Body) COPING (Healthy vs. Unhealthy Strategies)

3 Defense Mechanisms Unconscious reactions to protect the ego against anxiety Repression Reaction Formation Projection Displacement Sublimation

4 Defense Mechanismss Unconscious reactions to protect the ego against anxiety Repression

5 Defense Mechanisms Repression
Keeping distressing thoughts and memories from conscious awareness

6 Defense Mechanismss Unconscious reactions to protect the ego against anxiety Repression Reaction Formation

7 Defense Mechanisms Reaction Formation
Pets Killed By PETA Defense Mechanisms Reaction Formation Behaving in ways of opposite of your true feelings

8 Coping Active efforts to reduce, master, or tolerate the demands of stress

9 Healthy Approaches to Stress
Catharsis To cleanse or to purge Predictability Predictable events are less stressful Perception of Control Feelings of control reduce stress Locus of Control Individuals’ sense of where life’s influences originate Social Network Having a social network reduces stress

10 Healthy Approaches to Stress
Cognitive Change A strategy involving a change in the interpretation or focus of a stressful event

11 Unhealthy Approaches to Stress
Learned Helplessness A passive response to stress

12 Self-Destructive Coping
Explanations for Self-Destructive Behavior Self-Destructive Desire Tradeoffs

13 Self-Destructive Coping
Self-Handicapping Engaging in action that decrease the chance of success Substance Abuse

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