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Biomedical Data Science for Precision Medicine

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1 Biomedical Data Science for Precision Medicine
Room 530, BAUM Biomedical Data Science for Precision Medicine Vanathi Gopalakrishnan, PhD Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics Associate Professor of Intelligent Systems Associate Professor of Computational & Systems Biology Associate Professor of Bioengineering Director, PRoBE Laboratory for Pattern Recognition from Biomedical Evidence Co-director, Bioengineering, Biotechnology and Innovation Area of Concentration School of Medicine Co-director, Intelligent Systems Program, School of Computing and Information University of Pittsburgh

2 PRoBE Lab: Research Interests
To Accelerate Biomedical Knowledge Discovery by Developing and Applying novel hybrid Artificial Intelligence Methods Obtained for example from: Biomedical Assays, Clinical Assessments, Imaging tests Obtained for example from: Literature, Ontologies, Past analyses PRIOR KNOWLEDGE DATA Integrative Modeling RULE LEARNING METHODOLOGIES Example: Transfer Rule Learning project funded by NIGMS R01GM to VG PREDICTIVE MODELS FOR BIOMEDICINE Enable predictions about for example: mechanism of action, target selection, useful biomarkers for early detection or monitoring of disease, toxicity risk, and clinical trial outcomes.

From biomarker* discovery studies for early detection of: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Alzheimer’s Lung Cancer Breast Cancer Esophageal Cancer Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Coronary Artery Disease Pediatric Cardiomyopathy Proteomic Mass Spectral (large/wide/deep) Immunoassay Genomic GWAS/SNPs(very large) DNA Methylation Gene Expression microRNA Images Cardiac MRI Brain fMRI *The term “biomarker” or “biological marker”, refers to “a broad subcategory of medical signs – that is, objective indications of medical state observed from outside the patient – which can be measured accurately and reproducibly. Medical signs stand in contrast to medical symptoms, which are limited to those indications of health or illness perceived by patients themselves.” - Kyle Strimbu, Jorge A. Tavel. What are Biomarkers? Curr Opin HIV AIDS Nov 5(6): 463–466.

4 Example: Lung Cancer Early Detection
RISK PREDICTION MODEL Clinical History ? Accuracy of early detection # Unnecessary biopsies CT screen Results Blood Test Multiplexed serologic Quantitative immunoassays Luminex xMAP® technology Bigbee, W. L*., Gopalakrishnan, V.*, Weissfeld J, L., Wilson, D. O., Dacic, S. Lokshin, A. E., Siegfried, J. M. A Multiplexed Serum Biomarker Immunoassay Panel Discriminates Clinical Lung Cancer Patients from High-Risk Individuals Found to be Cancer-Free by CT Screening. J Thorac Oncol Apr;7(4): (*These authors contributed equally to the study).

5 Current Projects Biomarker/Pathway discovery from metabolomic data for personalizing heart disease treatment – CADidME (Coronary Artery Disease intelligent detection via Metabolomic Expression) – PHDA funded collaboration with Dr. Steve Reis, Pitt CTSI director. Transfer Learning of Classification Rules applied to microbiome data modeling – NIGMS funded R01 – collaboration with Washington University. iHEAL: informed Health through Eating Awareness Learning – New project combining nutrition science with behavioral research and machine learning.

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