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2 COUNSELORS Mrs. Nasser: A – Corr Mrs. Schultze: Cort – Hern
Mrs. Burton: Herr - Mel Mrs. Weaver: Men – Sa Ms. Hernandez: Sc – Z Mrs. Garcia: Dual Credit/CTE Mrs. Miller: College and Career Center Advisor Mr. Herrera: College and Career Center Assistant Rene

3 Rank Rank is based on the four core areas, foreign language, AP, Dual Credit, and PreAP classes AP and Dual Credit courses receive a maximum of 8 rank points PreAP courses receive a maximum of 7 rank points Academic level courses receive a maximum of 6 rank points Rank at the end of the junior year is the one reported to colleges/universities

4 Honor Graduates The #1 ranked student in the graduating class receives the honor of valedictorian The #2 ranked students in the graduating class receives the honor of salutatorian The top 1% receive the distinction of summa cum laude The top 5% receive the distinction of magna cum laude The top 10% receive the distinction of cum laude

5 GPA GPA includes all courses taken for high school credit ~ even those taken in middle school for high school credit GPA is unweighted and based on a 4 point scale

Really Good Grades! Oops! Don’t like that zero! Look at the following: 100 82 91 88 96 86 85 95 93 Average = 90 Look at the following: 100 82 91 88 96 86 85 95 93 Average = 81

7 Senior “to do” list Come to school and pass classes! Students must be in attendance 90% in order to receive credit! Visit colleges/universities/trade schools of interest (2 days per year do not count against attendance. Must bring proof of visit to attendance office) Apply for post secondary education College readiness testing (SAT, ACT, TSI) Apply for financial aid Rene

8 SAT ACT TSI SAT registration is through the College Board website ( ACT registration is through the ACT website ( Links and free practice questions/exams are on the high school counselor’s website within the Test Preparation tile When registering for the test(s), request free copies of scores to be sent to universities/colleges you may attend See Mrs. Miller or Mr. Herrera in the College/Career center if you are eligible for free or reduced lunch for a fee waiver for SAT and/or ACT TSI (Texas Success Initiative) is a test of reading, writing, and math that colleges/universities use to determine course placement

9 TSI EXEMPTIONS ACT standard: composite score of 23, with a minimum score of 19 for English and 19 for Math SAT standard: minimum score of 530 on the Mathematics test; minimum score of 480 on the Evidenced-Based Reading & Writing (EBRW) for a TSI exemption in both reading and writing (no combined score required) Angela

10 POST-SECONDARY OPTIONS Visit the College and Career Center
Work Military Going on for Further Training/Education Vocational Schools (public or private) 2 Year Community or Jr Colleges 4 Year Universities Tina

11 Going into the Military?
Talk to recruiters from the various services and schedule a visit. Take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). The test will be given at NBHS on Oct Sign up is in the college/career center. Gather information about specialized military opportunities such as ROTC scholarships, the national guard and reserve programs. Tina

12 Email to receive updates on colleges visiting NBHS
COMMUNITY COLLEGE You can earn: A Technical certificate Academic credits to transfer to a four-year university An Associate’s degree to receive updates on colleges visiting NBHS

13 4 YEAR UNIVERSITY Most require the following: Application
Application Fee SAT/ACT Scores sent directly from College Board or ACT or TSI Official Transcript via Parchment Tina

14 Automatic Admission to Texas Public Colleges and Universities
NBISD high school graduates who successfully complete the Foundation graduation program, earn one endorsement and have the distinguished designation (four years of math including Algebra II and four years of science) will be automatically admitted into Texas public Universities or Colleges IF one of the following requirements is met: Applicant is in the top 10% of his/her class at the end of the Junior year OR If applying for the University of Texas in Austin, fall 2019 Freshman applicants must be in the top 6% at the end of their Junior year. Applicants must check the deadlines for admissions for each Texas College/University as they vary greatly. All deadline information may be found on the College/University website. Automatic admission into a university does not guarantee admission into a particular department.

15 College Applications College applications open the summer before senior year. Most are July 1. Admission decisions will be based on grades and rank from end of the junior year, unless stated by the college that seventh semester grades are accepted. (This is not common). If applying to out of state universities, follow directions on the school’s website. Soki

16 Application Process Watch Deadlines!
Complete applications using guidelines Contact Mrs. Miller or Mr. Herrera in the College and Career Center for help. It is the responsibility of the student to supply supporting documents to the receiving institutions before deadlines. Be sure to check deadlines for each university Soki

17 TRANSCRIPT REQUEST Request must be submitted through found on the high school home page Counselors do not send student transcripts to colleges/universities A fee will be charged for each transcript other than self view Requests need to be made at least two weeks in advance Contact Ms. for issues concerning transcript submission Rene

Get recommendations from people who know you well Good ideas for recommenders are AP or Dual Credit teachers, core subject teachers, teachers of a subject related to your intended major, employers, volunteerism supervisors or others who know your work habits, etc. Give plenty of notice: a minimum of two weeks Write a thank you note to the person who wrote the letter of recommendation. Angela

19 Visit with Mrs. Miller if you need help.
Financial Aid Complete the FAFSA online application, starting Oct. 1 Financial aid officers use this form to determine the amount of your financial aid award. Remember, you must submit a new FAFSA every year you’re in college to determine if you qualify for federal aid. Fill out the application online at Visit with Mrs. Miller if you need help. ML

20 Grants and Scholarships do not have to be paid back - Free Money!
TYPES OF FINANCIAL AID Grants and Scholarships do not have to be paid back - Free Money! Loans must be paid back Local Scholarship Packets will be available early spring semester

21 See your coach for more information!
NCAA Clearinghouse All Student-Athletes must register with the NCAA Eligibility Clearinghouse to be considered for college offers See your coach for more information! ML

22 GREEN CORDS Current seniors must accrue 150 or more volunteer hours to qualify for a green graduation cord Student will document hours through Career Cruising Hours must be entered into Career Cruising by May 1 of the senior year Instructions and forms for tracking volunteer hours are located in Career Cruising and on the high school home page Please see Mrs. Bock with any questions

23 CONTACTS Mrs. Nasser:
Mrs. Schultze: Mrs. Burton: Mrs. Weaver: Ms. Hernandez: Mrs. Garcia: Mrs. Miller: Mr. Herrera: Rene

24 Senior Graduation May 30, 2019 See you there!

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