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Presentation on theme: "Perception- AWARENESS, SENSE, AND RECOGNITION"— Presentation transcript:

What is Perception?

2 To Perceive What is the Definition?

3 To Perceive (verb) To become aware of To know To discern
To identify by means of the senses To recognize To understand To envision

4 Perception What is the Definition?

5 Perception (noun) An understanding Recognition or appreciation
Insight Intuition Discernment Awareness derived from the senses

6 Perceptions Differ… Why?
Why do perceptions differ from person to person? Perceptions differ from person to person. Different people perceive different things about the same situation. But, more than that, we assign different meaning(s) to what we perceive. And, the meanings will change from person to person depending on the experience, opinions, moral and ethical code, belief system, culture, laws and rule, and insight that they bring to any specific situation.

7 Perceptions Differ… Why?
Why do perceptions differ from person to person? What are the situations in which perceptions may differ? HAVING TROUBLE…? Refer To Your FREEWRITE and Your FACES OF INEQUALITY…

8 What Do you see?

9 What Do you see? … a young lady looking away?
… an old lady looking down? … a young woman’s nose and eyelids OR a wart on the old woman’s nose… … a young woman’s ear OR is it an old woman’s eye… … a young woman’s necklace OR an old woman’s mouth… Whatever you see, the picture remains the same. You have just emphasized different parts of it and assign these parts different meanings.

10 And… What do you see?

11 And… What do you see? … two people in a hug?
… a black hand and a white hand? … a black face and a white face? … a kiss? … a grown up holding a child?

12 Looking at these two arrows. Is the top or bottom arrow longer?
Which is longer? Looking at these two arrows. Is the top or bottom arrow longer?

13 Top Longer? Bottom Longer?
Which is longer? Top Longer? Bottom Longer? Both arrows are exactly the same size. However, the top one looks longer than the bottom one. It is an optical illusion tricking us into assigning a different meaning to what we see.

14 Cna yuo raed tihs? fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Olny smoe plepoe can. Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! Can yuo raed this?

15 Incomplete Perceptions
Above: Are these letters or just lines and blotches of ink on the paper? Right: Is that Marilyn Monroe? How do you know… what is it that tells you what/who they are? We fill in the blanks with our minds. If we have incomplete perceptions, which we almost always do to a certain extent, our minds fill in the rest.

16 Mind Tricks or Reality Oh My God… THE DRESS! WHAT COLOR
IS THE DARN DRESS? Is it in the shadows…? Do we see what we want to see? Is it science? Is it a mind trick? Is it reality? Why do we all see different colors?

17 Again, What Do You see?

18 A Vase or Faces? Do you see a vase or do you see two faces looking at each other? The meaning of something changes when you look at it differently. You can look at anything differently and it will have a different meaning.

19 Changing perceptions: is it really this easy?
There is no fixed meaning to anything. You can always change perspectives and change meanings. Why not change them to what you prefer them to be?

20 To Change Your Perceptions You Must:
Simply CHANGE!!!

21 Change your mindset

22 Change your… Half Full? Half Empty?

23 Outlook… Changing your outlook on things and letting other data, opinions, views come into your brain, allows you to view things in a totally different way

24 Change your view of…

25 Broaden your view of…

26 Change Your view of… The persona… The person…

27 Change your view of… ALL PEOPLE

28 Change your view of…

29 Accept changing views…

30 Change Your Perception Back To…
Early Immigration s Immigration Ellis Island Immigration Today…

31 And, keep moving forward.
Gender Inequality Gender Equality You are what you perceive yourself to be…

32 Change does not come without effort
Look at the words below and say the WORD… DO NOT SAY THE COLOR.

33 You think that was difficult and took concentration… wait for this…
Spread your arms apart Now bring them together, clasping your hands together. Notice, which hand is on top? Right or Left? Now, spread your arms apart again. This time remember which hand was on the top and make sure that you concentrate on bringing the other hand over the top when you bring them together. Now, bring your arms together, clasping your hands together Which hand is on top? Is it the same as before OR have you changed positions? How much EFFORT AND CONCENTRATION did it take?

34 The Moral is… Effort Concentration
Change is not always easy. Sometimes, it is downright difficult. Changing perception takes: Effort and Concentration

35 Now… What do you see?

36 She could be… depending on your Perception
A Mom A Daughter A Wife

37 Now… What do you see?

38 It could be… depending on your Perception
A floor covering A souvenir A prayer rug

39 Now… What do you see?

40 It could be… depending on your Perception
A style… A military haircut… A survivor…

41 Inequality, prejudice and discrimination
Is there a CURE?

42 There can be a cure... AND You will CHANGE the discussion!
Change your PERCEPTION AND You will CHANGE the discussion!

43 …the discussion on…

44 …the discussion on…

45 …the discussion on…

46 …the discussion on…

47 …the discussion on… Whatever it is that makes you or those that you care about feel unequal or less than another…

48 When the discussion changes
Perceptions CHANGE AND

49 Happy… Happy… Happy…

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