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Bike to the Future Awards 2017

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1 Bike to the Future Awards 2017
Winner ‘Bikes in Business’ TravelWhiz

2 What is TravelWhiz? TravelWhiz is an award winning travel planning programme that helps individuals, and businesses make smart choices when it comes to their work related travel and transport needs.

3 Why TravelWhiz? TravelWhiz can help you to:
Organisations are increasingly required to find a competitive advantage throughout their whole value chain. Customers, and staff, are demanding higher levels of corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability. While there are a variety of ways to respond to this challenge, one of the easiest, most visible and cost-effective approaches can be to implement a workplace travel plan such as TravelWhiz. TravelWhiz can help you to: Improve staff health, wellbeing and retention Resolve parking and space issues Improve your environmental performance Reduce operating costs Improve your company image

4 What does TravelWhiz include?
Personalised journey plans Tailored travel website ParkingWhiz – car park management Supporting initiatives Monitoring and reporting

5 Personalised journey plans
Personalised travel options for each staff member’s journey to work Tailored to your organisation Automatically generated – suitable for organisations with 5 or 5,000 staff Low cost compared with 1 to 1 travel planning assistance Starts the smart travel conversation

6 Tailored travel website
Information tailored for your organisation and locations Interactive safe routing tools Portal to ParkingWhiz

7 ParkingWhiz –car park management
Manages limited parking space resource Provides flexibility and equitable use of parking Allocated coupons in an online portal

8 Supporting initiatives
Review of company vehicle fleet usage and composition Supporting modes, eg. Pool bikes, showers, change rooms, lockers, free towels, umbrellas Guaranteed ride home policy

9 Monitoring and reporting
Travel surveys to understand baseline and monitor progress Data can be collected to support GHG emissions reporting and monitoring

10 Abley Transportation Consultants
For more information please contact: Ann-Marie Head Associate

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