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2 Geographical Location of Project


4 VISION & PLANNING To create world’s largest fresh water reservoir in sea to store state’s 25% average annual surface water resources by constructing 30 km long dam across the Gulf of Khambhat. This reservoir will store MCM of surface water.

5 Surface Water Availability in State
Population –year 2011 (India 1230 million) Geographical Area (India Gujarat State 5.0% (60.3 million) Surface Water Availability (India -18,69,000 MCM) Gujarat State 6.39% ( Gujarat State 2.0% (38,000 MCM)

6 Per Capita Water Availability in India & Gujarat
Year India Gujarat Population (Million) Per Capita Water Availability (m3 / annum) 1961 43.92 4467 20.63 2468 2001 102.70 1901 50.60 990 2011 124.58 1568 60.30 830 2025 1393 83.34 601

7 Per Capita Availability of Water (Year 2011)

8 Region wise Water Resources in Gujarat State


10 Need of the Project

11 Gujarat is a water scarce state, with 6
Gujarat is a water scarce state, with 6.39% of geographical area, 5% of population & only 2% of water resources of India. 71% of water resources of Gujarat is available in 25% of geographical area of central & south Gujarat. In Saurashtra region, per capita water availability is only 540 M3/annum against 1700 m3/annum minimum requirement. In Saurashtra region,only 15 lakh ha agricultural land will cover under irrigation (including Sardar Sarovar Project), against 42 lakh ha agricultural land. Hence, 27 lakh ha agricultural land will remain rainfed.

12 The excessive pumping of groundwater resulted in intrusion of saline water up to 10 km of entire coastal belt of Saurashtra. The rain water storage capacity of Gujarat state is Mm3 in 196 major & medium reservoirs, against the total rainwater availability of MCM per annum. Due to non availability of any suitable site for major irrigation scheme in the state, the “Gulf of Khambhat Development Project” is the only option available to store 10,000 MCM rainwater.






18 Salient features (Tentative)
1. Length of dm (in sea) 30 km 2. Top width of dam 100m wide, 12 lane road + railway 3. Reservoir : (i) Full Reservoir Level (FRL) (+) 3.0m (ii) Maximum Water Level (MWL) (+) 5.0m (iii) Minimum Draw Down Level (MDDL) (-) 4.0m (iv) Live Storage 10500 mcm (v) Storage between MWL & FRL 4000 mcm (vi) Reservoir spread 2000 4. Bhadbhut Barrage and Narmada Diversion Canal (i) Barrage including earthen dykes 10 km (ii) Narmada Diversion Canal Discharge 1,00,000 cusecs Length 34 km

19 5. Irrigation command (i) Water envisaged for irrigation 6500 mcm (ii) Irrigation 10.54 lakh ha in 39 talukas of 6 districts of Saurashtra region will get irrigation facilities including rejuvenation of rivers and filling of more than 60 existing dams as well as check dams, tidal regulators, spreading channels permanently. (iii) Envisaged three garland canals : Total pumping stations 11 Level Discharge (cusec) Length (km) 100m 8000 647 80m 6300 345 50m 2700 151 6. Life of Reservoir 400 to 500 years 7. Ground water improvement in periphery of reservoir 7.0 lakh ha

20 8. Extra land to be recovered 1.5 lakh ha to 2 lakh ha 9. Reduction in distance Bhavnagar – South Gujarat 136 km 10. Ports: Bhavnagar port (will be revived), Dahej port (to remain out of reservoir), New ports are proposed at downstream of reservoir. 11. Rivers debouching in the reservoir : Sabarmati, Mahi, Dhadhar, Narmada (through diversion canal), Limbadi Bhogavo, Sukhbhadar, Utavali, Keri, Vagad, Kalubhar, Rangholi, Ghelo & Maleshree 12. Construction period for dam 5 to 7 years

21 Benefits of the Project

22 Irrigation Benefit

23 Irrigation Benefit 10.54 lakh ha. land in 39 talukas of 6 districts of Saurashtra region will get irrigation facilities including rejuvenation of rivers and filling of more than 60 existing dams as well as check dams, tidal regulators, spreading channels permanently.

24 Perceived Agricultural Benefits

25 Transportation Benefits

26 Detail of Road Route Existing Route New Route Dam Alignment

27 Transportation Benefit
Substantial saving in travel time and fuel due to reduction in distance by about 136 km between Bhavnagar and Surat/ Mumbai. Surat is one of the fastest growing city in the country and the diamond oriented business hub of the world. Most of the diamond workers (more than 10 lakhs) are migrated from Saurashtra (Mostly, from Bhavanagr, Amreli district).

28 After the completion of dam and Bhadbhut Barrage, the route from Bhavnagar to Surat will be Bhavnagar—Dahej—Hansot—Olpad—Surat. New coastal highway will be developed to connect present petro-chemical hub Hazira (Surat) to future petro-chemical hub PCPIR (Dahej). 10 lane road is proposed on the top of the dam. 70,118 vehicles per day is estimated for year 2025, and 2,07,529 vehicles per day for year 2055. The toll-tax generation is estimated approximately Rs crore for year 2025 and Rs crore for year 2055.

29 Land Reclamation Benefits
Gulf of Khambhat is one of the Gulf in world having maximum tide of 11 m and the average tide of 8.8 m . During the high tide and flood in Narmada, Mahi, Sabarmati river etc., the sea water rise up to level of +7.0 m to +8.0 m from MSL. As per present planning, the fresh water reservoir have Full reservoir level at +3.0 m and maximum water level (during flood) is +5.0 m.

30 Land Reclamation Benefits
Hence, the land which is frequently submerged during high tide between permanently opened above EL +5.0 m after closure of the Gulf of Khambhat About 2 lakh ha land along the periphery of reservoir will be opened which can be used for the project development.

31 Land Reclamation Benefits
Levels in m Area in ha Between 5m to 6m 54236 Between 6m to 7m 106479 Between 7m to 8m 77749 Total 238464

32 Land recovery (As per BISAG Study)

33 Value Addition Of Land Pipeline Important Projects Vicinity Dholera SIR Fedara International Airport PCPIR at Dahej Delhi- Mumbai Industrial Corridor (2) Proposed 10 lane road for Ahmedabad-Bhavnagar route

34 2000 sq. km world’s biggest fresh water reservoir (in sea) with 6-lane periphery road of 270 km long
Solar and Wind power, Tourism, Bio-fuel park, Transportation, Fisheries etc. project components / benefits

35 Ground Water Quality Improvement
Due to sea water ingress in rivers upto 60 to 70 km, total peripheral ground water in 7,00,000 ha of Bhavnagar, Ahmedabad, Kheda, Anand, Vadodara and Bharuch district has became saline. After post dam scenario, due to only fresh water in rivers / catchment, this saline ground water quality with improve some time.

36 Benefit- Port Development on d/s of Dam
Project presents highly attractive locational attributes for port development downstream of the dam such as increased water level, lower current velocity, reduced sedimentation

Station/port location Without dam With dam Difference Between Tidal ranges (m) Tidal range (m) Bhavnagar 8.82 9.49 0.68 Alang 6.11 8.06 1.95 Pipavav 2.95 3.81 0.87 Jafrabad 2.35 2.74 0.39 Simar 2.10 2.23 0.12 Dahej 8.46 9.41 0.94 Magdalla 5.33 7.15 1.83 Hazira 5.52 7.36 1.84 Vansi 5.21 6.86 1.65 Maroli 4.18 4.93 0.75

Station/port location Without dam With dam Difference in current Speed (m) Current (m/s) Bhavnagar 1.21 0.72 -0.49 Alang 1.38 1.00 -0.38 Pipavav 1.14 1.23 0.09 Jafrabad 0.90 1.49 0.59 Simar 0.66 0.88 0.22 Dahej 1.87 0.93 -0.94 Magdalla 0.65 -0.35 Hazira 1.61 1.86 0.25 Vansi 1.16 1.18 0.02 Maroli 0.84 1.36 0.53

39 NIO MODEL STUDY Model study results show that after the construction of the dam the tide level increases at all the port locations. The currents decrease at the locations near to the dam (Bhavnagar, Ghoga). Sediment transport results indicate that the sediment concentration reduces in the southern gulf (outside the dam) with a maximum reduction at Dahej and Gogha. Bhavnagar port will be rejuvenated, therefore this region will be speedily developed

40 Wind and Solar Energy As per Suzlon Company’s observations for more than one year of two wind mast, the wind velocity more than 6 m/sec & density 200 watt / sq.m is available in periphery of fresh water reservoir. Suzlon has proposed three wind farm clusters of 2.1 MW, 700 wind turbines generators (1470 MW), which will generate 250 crore unit of electricity which will be sufficient for lifting 10,000 Mm3 water from reservoir.

41 Wind and Solar Energy Total 4500 ha land will be required for erection of 1470 MW wind towers against that 2 lac ha land will be recovered. Wind farms will be installed after completion of dam on Public Private Partnership & the same land will be used for 800MW to 1000 MW solar panels. Hybrid model has been envisaged to get electricity for 8 to 9 months in a year.

42 Wind & Solar Park

43 Benefits-fisheries Development
Fish production to the tune of 3,00,000 tonnes per annum amounting to Rs.22,500 Million at full development stage Direct employment to approximately 1,00,000 beneficiaries and indirect employment to approximately 3,00,000 beneficiaries.

44 OTHER BENEFITS Supply of 900 MCM fresh water for domestic use
Supply of 500 MCM fresh water for industrial use Tourism Navigation


46 Thank You

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