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Covers the three levels of ERC research (i. e

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1 Covers the three levels of ERC research (i. e
Covers the three levels of ERC research (i.e., fundamental knowledge, enabling technologies, and engineered systems). Identifies clear barriers that stand in the way of achieving the systems goals. Identifies clear research goals derived from those barriers, by research thrust and overall, as well as milestones for their achievement. Articulates metrics for measuring progress toward final completion of individual projects. Strategic planning of its research effort is at the heart of what makes an ERC an ERC. All ERC proposals must include a customized version of this chart to describe the strategic construct of the proposed ERC. Analyze the chart starting from the systems plane, where critical systems barriers and testbeds are defined. These must yield system requirements that generate a body of fundamental and enabling technology research and enabling technology testbeds. The plan must be accompanied by a milestone chart for 10 years of effort with more clarity on the first five years. Do you think that this version will project well? I can hardly see the words in white. Might help to follow this generic diagram with a fleshed-out one, like this: I also like the language here: It gives a sense of the complexity of the planning effort. You might also mention that they asked us for strategic plans and milestones for education (and maybe even for diversity? Can’t remember) as well.

2 I would add a slide about what we know about the upcoming competition, which isn’t much! But you can mention the NAE report. Maybe Sez has something to add in this regard.

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