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Welcome to 12:13! Need to talk with your friend?

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 12:13! Need to talk with your friend?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 12:13! Need to talk with your friend?
Before or after class is OK, but not during. Need to use the bathroom? Ask one of the parent volunteers. Need to borrow a pen? Loan the parent volunteers a shoe and they will loan you a pen! When coming to or leaving class: Please do not use the school hallway. Today’s “Starting Point” Set-up Crew 8th Grade Girls

2 Where Are YOUR Lions? Hannah Price

3 Part 10: Fellowship In The House On The Hill
Pilgrim’s Progress Part 10: Fellowship In The House On The Hill

4 Fellowship In The House On The Hill
Piety asks questions about Christian’s journey: Why he left the City of Destruction How he found his way to the narrow gate? What was his visit to the Interpreter’s house like?

5 A Family Welcome Discretion Piety Prudence Charity

6 Christian Tells of His Journey
Evangelist Interpreter Crucified Savior “The very sight of Him made my burden fall off my back.” Shining Ones Lions

7 Battling The Enemy Within
Burden gone, baggage remains “When I want to do right, evil lies close at hand” (Romans 7:21). Conquering wrong thoughts with right thoughts The cross The robe of Christ’s righteousness The Document of his inheritance The city toward which he is traveling

8 Making Mud Pies in the Slum
Spending the Day At the Beach

9 Why Strive Toward Zion? Steps For My Path: How would you answer?
Christian’s reasons To see Jesus “I love Him because my burden was eased by Him.” To be free from sin To live forever

10 Feast For The Soul Steps For My Path: What do you talk about at the table? What dominated discussion in the House on the Hill? The Lord -- His love, death, victory Fellowship: Jesus spoken here

11 Sweet Dreams Prayer for protection Resting in the peace of Christ

12 Review And Remember… Which pastor leads the youth pastoral team?
Which student is facing a “lion” with a sugar intolerance that they have? Which of these was not one of the sisters in the House on the Hill? (Prudence, Virtue, Charity, Patience) Complete this verse: “When I want to do right, ________ lies close at hand.” What was Christian’s first reason for traveling to Zion? A. To live forever, B. To see Jesus, or C. To be free from sin What is the language of Christians?

13 Answers… Mr. Brewer Hannah Price Virtue and Patience
“When I want to do right, evil lies close at hand.” B. To see Jesus Fellowship

14 Starting Point 2011 and forward
14 chairs table podium Table for water/OJ table Table for coffee/food Starting Point 2011 and forward

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