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Multi-Sided (“Super”) WHIP

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Presentation on theme: "Multi-Sided (“Super”) WHIP"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi-Sided (“Super”) WHIP
John Ruck ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation

2 Agenda Motivation Configuration Perception Menu Items Orders Modules
ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation December 2018

3 Motivation Allow Operations that in the Past Required a Single Player to Start Multiple WHIPS Control of Multiple Small Sides Allow a Player to Have View of Ground Truth if Needed ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation December 2018

4 Configuration ICP WHIP Tab Select the Desired Sides
Primary Command Authority Must be a Single Sided WHIP Note that a Super WHIP Requires More Memory ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation December 2018

5 Perception Menus Used to Select the Perceived Side for the Map, IMT, Command Tree, and Logistics Tree Can Have Multiple Views Open With Different Sides. ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation December 2018

6 Multiple Perception Example
ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation December 2018

7 Sitrep Perception Based on the Perception of the Source Hieararchy, IMT, or Map. ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation December 2018

8 Orders Side Selector Field Determines Which Side Will Send the Order
“Natural” Side Selector: For Example the Unit in a Move Order Sending Side: For Orders that Have no Natural Side Selector Field Controller Only Orders Have no Side Selector Fields ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation December 2018

9 Orders (Cont.) Natural Side Selector
Must be Selected First, Then the Rest of the Order Panel Will be Filled Based on the Side. ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation December 2018

10 Orders (Cont.) No Natural Side Selector
“Sending Side” Field to Explicitly Select the Side Hidden on a Single Sided WHIP ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation December 2018

11 Order Spreadsheet Works the Same as a Regular Order Panel for Side Selection The Sending Side is Independent for Each Line ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation December 2018

12 Order Groups Orders Within a Group can Have Different Sending Sides
ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation December 2018

13 Modules One Side Per Instance, Selected When Opened
ATOG, ATOT, ATOV, OTH Gold JOI, Link 16 JOI ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation December 2018

14 Questions ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation December 2018

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