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Welcome to Public Policy Review Jeopardy!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Public Policy Review Jeopardy!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Public Policy Review Jeopardy!

2 Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2

3 Who’s yer fav teacher? 1 Wuzup? 6 You da bomb 2 Pass da APGO 3 Who Loves Ya? 4 Yo Mama 5 Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

4 $100 Defense spending is greater than all of the following EXCEPT:
A) federal spending on energy research B) federal entitlements C) federal grants to local governments D) federal spending on education E) federal grants to states $100

5 What are federal entitlements?
$100 What are federal entitlements? Scores

6 What does the Federal Reserve Board
(The Fed) regulate? $200

7 What is the money supply
and credit? $200 Scores

8 True or false, the Congress has the authority to appoint Ambassadors?

9 What is False. That’s the President’s
job $300 Scores

10 Government benefits that must be provided to individuals who meet
certain criteria are called: $400

11 What are entitlements $400 Scores

12 ________ is the regulation of the supply of money and credit to
promote the nation's economic health. $500

13 What is Monetary Policy?
$500 What is Monetary Policy? Scores

14 $100 True or false, as chief diplomat, the president
hires all civil servants working for the Defense Department $100

15 What is false. $100 Scores

16 The long term viability of the Social Security system is
most threatened by: $200

17 $200 What is an impending large number of retirees (the Baby Boomers) and a relatively small number of workers? Scores

18 True or false, the State Department is the primary foreign policy arm
of the United States government? $300

19 What is True? $300 Scores

20 Daily Double

21 Cutting taxes leads to economic
expansion. This is the primary belief of this group of economic thinkers. : $400

22 $400 What are Supply Siders?

23 $500 If a poor individual pays the same tax rate
as a rich individual, the tax is: $500

24 $500 What is regressive? Scores

25 The largest source of federal revenue is:
$100 The largest source of federal revenue is:

26 What are individual income taxes?
$100 Scores

27 True or false, Medicare is an
example of a federal entitlement? $200

28 What is True? $200 Scores

29 Daily Double

30 $300 True or false, under the provisions of the 1996 Welfare Reform bill, healthcare benefits would be provided to people on welfare.

31 What is False? $300 Scores

32 $400 True or false, the Federal Reserve Board (Fed) has a direct role in the federal budget process

33 What is False? $400 Scores

34 $500 The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
requires that government agencies ________ every time an agency proposes to undertake a policy potentially disruptive to the natural environment. $500

35 What is file and Environmental
Impact Report (EIR)? $500 Scores

36 $100 A ________ tax takes a higher percentage from the incomes of the rich than the poor.

37 What is a progressive tax?
$100 Scores

38 $200 All of the following are federal subsidy programs EXCEPT:
A) Medicaid B) Medicare C) food stamps D) Temporary Assistance to Needy Families E) Americans with Disabilities Act

39 What is E, the Americans with Disabilities Act?
$200 What is E, the Americans with Disabilities Act? Scores

40 The federal income tax is an example of a ________ tax (progressive or
regressive)? $300

41 $300 What is progressive? Scores

42 Medicaid is a program designed to provide health care for ______
$400 Medicaid is a program designed to provide health care for ______

43 What is the poor? $400 Scores

44 Daily Double

45 For the most part, health care spending in the US is paid for by?
$500 For the most part, health care spending in the US is paid for by?

46 What is the private sector? $500

47 The purpose of “Paygo” is to:
$100 The purpose of “Paygo” is to:

48 What is to reduce budget deficits?
$100 What is to reduce budget deficits? Scores

49 responsible for coordinating foreign and military policy is:
The government body responsible for coordinating foreign and military policy is: $200

50 What is the National Security Council?
$200 What is the National Security Council? Scores

51 Daily Double

52 The excess of federal expenditures over federal revenues is called a:

53 What is a budget deficit?
$300 Scores

54 The Social Security system is funded by:
$400 The Social Security system is funded by:

55 $400 What are payroll taxes? Scores

56 $500 Taxing and spending decisions by Congress
and the president are known as: $500

57 What is fiscal policy? Scores

58 The purpose of antitrust legislation is to:

59 To ensure competition and
$100 To ensure competition and prevent monopolies Scores

60 True or false, one of the provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
is the adoption of uniform national performance standards in major subject areas. $200

61 What is false $200 Scores

62 Daily Double

63 The Board of Governors of this critical independent economic
entity are given 14-year terms designed to insulate them from political pressures. What is the ________? $300

64 What is The Federal Reserve
Board? $300 Scores

65 $400 This branch of economic thinking argues for
stimulating the economy through government spending programs? $400

66 What are the Keynesians?
$400 Scores

67 $500 True or false, Medicare is part of the Social
Security system that provides health care to the elderly. $500

68 What is true? Scores

69 Regulating the Environment Final Jeopardy Question

70 How and why has the national government been involved in environmental protection? Give at least two specific examples on both “how” and “why.”. Scores

71 Requiring EIR’s for all new developments Why:
How: Creating the EPA Requiring EIR’s for all new developments Why: For health reasons (pollution control) For economic sustainability (fishing quotas) Scores

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