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Late Antiquity.

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1 Late Antiquity

2 Terms—Late Antiquity Antonines Marcus Aurelius Commodus
Severans (Soldier Emperors) Sol Invictus (New god) Coloni (Tenant Farmers) Diocletian (r. 284 – 305 AD) Tetrarchy (“rule by four”) Augustus (co-emperor) Caesars (two junior emperors) Constantine (r. 312 – 337 AD) Byzantium (Constantinople)

3 Marcus Aurelius (r. 161 – 180)

4 Commodus (r. 180 – 192)

5 Sol Invictus

6 Serfs—in debt to landowners
The Coloni Poor tenant farmers Serfs—in debt to landowners

7 Diocletian (r. 284 – 305 AD)

8 Diocletian Was Determined To:
Strengthen the throne again Reform the civil government Revitalize the Roman army

9 Tetrarchy “Rule by Four” Augustus (co- emperor)
Caesars (junior rulers)

10 Division of the Empire

11 The “Cabbage Farmer”

12 Constantine (r. 312 – 337)

13 Location of Constantinople (the City of Constantine)

14 Constantinople

15 End of Rome in the West 476 A.D.

16 Constantine and Constantinople

17 End of the Roman Empire 476 A.D.

18 Causes: Christianity – Otherworldly Manpower shortage Barbarians
Roman elite concerned only with selves Military absolutism & dictatorship

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