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Greek and Latin Roots Unit 4 week 12 definitions

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1 Greek and Latin Roots Unit 4 week 12 definitions
Argo, ego, hyper, peri

2 Week 12 Day 1 Make a box in your vocab journal like the one below
Week 12 Day 1 Make a box in your vocab journal like the one below. Title it day 1. Separate it into 4 sections. Write the root word at the top of each box. Write it’s definition, origin, and examples in each box. acro ego hyper peri Definition: height Origin: Greek Examples: acrobat, acrophobia, acronym Definition: self Origin: Latin Examples: egocentric, egoism, egotist, egotistical Definition: too much Examples: hypersensitive, hyperactive, hyperbole, hyperventilate Definition: around Examples: perimeter, periscope, periphery, periodontal

3 acro (Greek)=height

4 acrobat Definition: a “high walker” who does tricks
Sentence: The circus has acrobats who do daring stunts.

5 acrophobia Definition: a fear of heights
Sentence: My mom has acrophobia and freaked out at the top of the Empire State building.

6 acronym Definition: a word made from the highest (first) letter of words Sentence: NASA is an acronym for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

7 Ego (Latin)=self

8 egocentric Definition: self-centered
Sentence: The dictator is egocentric and does not think of how the people feel.

9 egoism Definition: a theory of morals based on self-interest
Sentence: If our society was based on egoism, people wouldn’t help others unless it benefited them somehow.

10 egotist Definition: a person who only thinks of himself
Sentence: I would not want to marry an egotist who only thinks of himself and not his wife.

11 egotistical Definition: thinking only of one’s self
Sentence: An egotistical person does not consider others when making decisions.

12 Hyper (Latin)=too much

13 hypersensitive Definition: too sensitive to words or touch
Sentence: My teeth are hypersensitive to really cold foods.

14 hyperactive Definition: too much energy
Sentence: My brother was hyperactive as a child and could never sit still.

15 hyperbole Definition: too much exaggeration
Sentence: I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.

16 hyperventilate Definition: to breathe too hard and fast
Sentence: Some people hyperventilate during a panic attack or if they are really scared or nervous.

17 peri (Greek)=around

18 perimeter Definition: the measure around a surface
Sentence: The perimeter of a circle is called circumference.

19 periscope Definition: a device in a submarine that can see around the ocean surface Sentence: The sailor used a periscope to see out of the submarine and check for enemy boats and land.

20 periphery Definition: outside the area around which we can see
Sentence: It’s out of my periphery; I cannot see it.

21 periodontal Definition: the area around the gums and teeth
Sentence: To have good periodontal health, you should floss daily.

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