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Civil War Test Review - 2008.

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1 Civil War Test Review

2 This cartoon depicts? Was this the end of compromise between congressmen?

3 What was the outcome of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

4 Jefferson Davis had experience in these areas which helped the South become a superior army.

5 What were the advantages the South had over the North?

6 The North contained what percentage of the nation’s industries?

7 The name of the plan that the North used to defeat the south was called what?

8 What flag represented the North? What flag represented the South?

9 Abraham Lincoln had very little experience in what area?

10 What were the political reasons Lincoln had for the Emancipation Proclamation?

11 Why did Robert E. Lee decide to invade the North and fight at Gettysburg?

12 Renting and working the land of the former slave master, and paying up to 90 percent of the profits to the landowner was?

13 The Reconstruction Act of 1867 did what?

14 Although Congress tried to remove Johnson for the lack of support for Reconstruction policies, he was impeached in the House of Representatives for violating this?

15 One of the few early successes of the Reconstruction era was the development of this organization, designed to help former slaves.

16 The 14th and 15th Amendments addressed what?

17 The event that ended the Reconstruction era was?

18 Johnson vetoed this, which angered congress and ultimately led to his impeachment?

19 What was the primary duty African-Americans performed prior to the formation of Black Regiments?

20 1. Senator Sumner getting beat up by Senator Brooks
1. Senator Sumner getting beat up by Senator Brooks. Yes it signaled the end of compromise in Congress. 2. Popular sovereignty would be used decide on the issue of slavery in new territories 3. Sec. of War, Mexican War Vet, Senator. 4. War leadership, fighting a defensive war, protecting their way of culture (had more to fight for) and their way of living indirectly led to better soldiers. 5. 92% 6. Anaconda Plan 7. Stars and Stripes - Stars and Bars 8. Military leadership 9. Keep the border states with the Union, free the slaves in the confederate states, keep Great Britain out of the war. 10. He wanted to end the war quickly and he was running out of supplies. 11. Sharecropping 12. Divided the South into 5 military districts, generals were in charge of the districts, and took land and rights from former Confederate officers. 13. Tenure of Office Act 14. Freedman’s Bureau. 15. Due process of law, right to vote, equal protection of the law

21 16. the Compromise of 17. Civil Rights Act of 1866 18. Manual labor and clearing the battlefields.

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