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Muscle & Nervous Practical Practice

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Presentation on theme: "Muscle & Nervous Practical Practice"— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscle & Nervous Practical Practice

2 1 & 2

3 3& 4

4 5 & 6

5 7& 8

6 9 & 10

7 11 & 12

8 13 & 14

9 15 & 16

10 17 & 18

11 19 & 20

12 21 & 22

13 Answers: 1,7, 13 type-skeletal muscle; voluntary
2, 8, 14 found-any muscle attached to a bone; bicep, tricep, etc 3,9, 11 type-smooth muscle; involuntary 4, 10, 12 found- hollow organs such as stomach 17,21 type-cardiac muscle;involuntary 18,22 found- heart 5, 15,19 type-nervous tissue (neuron is the cell body) (tiny dots-neuroglia) 6, 16, 20 found-nervous system like brain, spinal cord

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