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Putnam County 5Essentials Parent Survey Data

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Presentation on theme: "Putnam County 5Essentials Parent Survey Data"— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-2016 Putnam County 5Essentials Parent Survey Data

2 Communication Preferences
Via Via mail Via telephone Via text message

3 Computer-Internet Access
Do you have access to a computer that connects to the internet at home? Desktop or laptop computer Handheld device (including smartphones) Gaming device (Wii/Playstation/Xbox) Tablet computer (iPad/Android)

4 Parent Connectedness Your voice is valued at the school
Comfortable sharing your concerns with the school leadership Welcomed when you enter the school That you are an important part of improving the school

5 Parent Involvement & Disruptions
Transportation Attitudes of other parents Work obligations Access to child care Program and event relevance School administration Events are scheduled when I cannot attend.

6 Parent Satisfaction How likely are you to recommend this school to a parent looking for a school for their child? Overall, how satisfied are you with the education your child is receiving at this school?

7 Parent-Student Interaction
Read Talk about their day Supervise homework Practice math problems

8 Parent-Teacher Interaction
Lets me know what my child is working on in class Listens to my suggestions about how to best support my child Contacts me personally to discuss my child's academic achievement  Provides suggestions for how to support my child in school

9 Parents' Assessment of Involvement in School
Volunteers at Participates in parent safety/patrol the school Attends scheduled school events/ performances Attends scheduled Parent-Teacher conferences  Raise funds for the school Chaperones field trips Attend scheduled PTA (parent, teacher and staff) meetings  Participate in parent safety/patrol

10 Parents' Assessment of School Safety
This school addresses bullying A teacher or other staff member lets me know if there is a problem with my child's behavior The teachers and The principal could do more to make the school a safe place My child feels safe at this school  My child is affected by bullying at this school

11 Parents' Assessment of Teacher Trust
The teachers respect me I am comfortable sharing my concerns with teachers at the school It is easy to contact your student's teachers when you need to The teachers do their best to help my child learn Like a partner with the teachers at the school in your child's education The teachers have my child's best interest in mind

12 Quality of School Facilities
Your child's classrooms Library Computer lab(s) Food Service Gym Overall cleanliness of the school

13 School Outreach Invites you to school events Makes you aware of the
important information and news about the school Offers opportunities to participate in making decisions that affect the school community

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