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Child and Young Person Development

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1 Child and Young Person Development
4cf011: session 4

2 Learning Outcomes Become familiar with accessing resources within the Learning Centre (LIS staff input) Share learning about ‘Race, racism, and mixed heritage: a mixed life’ (last week’s guided reading task) Apply issues of adolescence to school and home Use the work of Erikson to evaluate current life situations Investigate areas of holistic development (guided task for next week)

3 http://www. google. co. uk/imgres

4 Erik Erikson (1968) Development of identity
Lifelong nature of development: emotional, moral and personality Series of stages: critical periods of development which need to be resolved in order to move forward successfully Children as active in their environment Seek out new information Deal with everyday conflicts of life

5 Staged theory – moving through the lifespan


7 http://www. google. co. uk/imgres. imgurl=http://www. intropsych

8 Identity versus role confusion
Old identity undergoes change Rapid body growth Sexual changes of puberty “physiological revolution within them……. In their search for a new sense of continuity and sameness, adolescents have to re-fight many of the battles of earlier years” (Erikson, 1951/1995, p.235) Adolescent mind in a kind of psycho-social moratorium between childhood and adulthood Cultural assumptions Ethnic and racial identity in adolescence (consider Kassem, 2010)

9 Adolescence Early Adolescence: Push for independence Negativism
Conflict with parents Grappling with new social skills/ demands of schooling Using family as safe base from which to explore peer relationships Needing to separate from family – individuation Late Adolescence: Family relationships have changed to accommodate increased freedoms Formation of emotionally intimate relationships (sexual or not) Rising levels of self-esteem Decreasing family conflict (notes from Bee and Boyd, 2007)

10 Transition – childhood to adolescence
Pubertal development Social role re-definitions Cognitive development Moving schools (school transitions) Emergence of sexuality Time of rapid changes- individuation How are adolescents viewed and how do they view themselves?

11 Eccles et al. (1993) Mismatch between developmental changes and Opportunities afforded to adolescents by their social environments

12 Temporary increase in family conflict – in relation to yp’s need for autonomy and control
Parenting style then becomes a factor Asymmetrical power relations with parents More symmetrical with peers Begin to question family rules Need to re-negotiate rules for yp as part of redefinition of roles Benefit of stable, close relationship with supportive adult outside of the home Eccles et al. (1993)

13 Optimal level of structure for yp’s current levels of maturity and drive for independence
Transition to new school – inappropriate with all other changes? New context sufficiently challenging ? – cognitive advances School may offer context with more discipline and control than previous school Less interpersonal relationships with teachers as move for ‘subjects’ Less trust between teachers and yp Those who struggle with academic work – self-esteem issues Eccles et al. (1993)

14 Guided activity and OOCA
Research ONE of the following: Gesell Skinner Piaget Vygotsky Bruner Bandura Rogoff Investigate your theorist and try to find out key aspects of their theory – and the implications of these for learning (the ‘so-what’ factor, if you like!) Bring your findings along next week to share

15 References Bee, H. and Boyd, D. (2007) The Developing Child, eleventh edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc. Eccles, J.S., Midgley, C. Wigfield, A., Buchanan, C.M., Reuman, D., Flanagan, C., and Mac Iver, D. (1993) Development During Adolescence: The Impact of Stage–Environment Fit on Young Adolescents' Experiences in Schools and in Families. American Psychologist 48 (2), pp. 90–101. Erikson, E. (1951/ 1995) Childhood and Society. London: Vintage

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