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Table Classification Activity Try to make a classification scheme for the items at your desk.

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3 Table Classification Activity
Try to make a classification scheme for the items at your desk

4 Classification The arrangement of organisms into orderly groups based on their similarities. Scientists use evolutionary relationships and physical similarities as their basis for classification Physical similarities/DNA similarities The goal of classification is to isolate an organism to a species

5 Species The most specific level of organization
An isolated group of organisms that share the same characteristics and can mate to produce fertile offspring

6 Why would scientists want to classify?

7 Why would scientists want to classify?
Organization Universal Easier to study Answer questions like How many species are there What defines each specie- makes it unique What relationships are there among species

8 Back in the day Linneaus- the Father of Taxonomy
Changed naming from 12 names to 2 names- much easier

9 Taxonomy The science of identifying, classifying and then naming organisms

10 Binomial nomenclature
A two name, naming system Standard writing= Genus, species

11 Practice Time Scientific Name Common name homo sapien humans
pandinus imperator emperor scorpion PYGOCENTRUS NATTERERI pirahna CEPHALOTUS FOLLICULARIS Australian Pitcher Plant

12 Classification Kingdom- Animalia Phylum- Arthropoda Class- Insecta
Order- Lepidoptera Family- Nymphalidae Genus- Danaus Specie- plexipus

13 More Practice Questions
This is the classification of the house cat: K-Animalia P -Chordata C -Mammalia O- Carnivora F- Felidae G-Felis S- domesticus What is the house cat’s scientific name? The Indian Elephant’s scientific name is Elephas maximus what genus does the Indian elephant belong in?

14 4 corners What is the Science of naming, classifying and identifying organisms? A- Species B- Taxonomy C-Classification D- Binomial Nomenclature What is the smallest group of classification?

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