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Expert group on Reporting under the Nature Directives, 21 March 2017

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1 Expert group on Reporting under the Nature Directives, 21 March 2017
Art. 12 and Art. 17 checklists

2 Main milestones – Art. 17 checklist
principles for revising checklists discussed at the EG meetings in in November 2015 and March 2016 (how to deal with changes in species taxonomy, categories of occurrence , anadromous fish) a draft Art 17 checklist of habitat and species sent for written comments in May (revision of nomenclature and taxonomy, checking of occurrence per biogeographical region) main outcomes of written consultation discussed at EG meeting in October 2016 outcomes reflected in the guidelines (categories of occurrence , anadromous fish, ‘taxonomical error’, joint/split reports for newly recognized species)

3 Next steps – Art. 17 checklist
What remains to be done: Finalise integrating comments from consultation Add reporting population size unit Next steps: Final Art. 17 checklists available from the Reference Portal in the beginning of May 2017

4 Main milestones – Art. 12 checklist
principles for revising checklists discussed at the EG meetings in in November 2015 and March 2016 (revising species taxonomy and nomenclature, reporting for subspecific units, winter reporting) a draft Art 12 checklist of habitat and species sent for written comments in July (revision of nomenclature and taxonomy, subspecific and winter reporting checking of occurrence) main outcomes of written consultation discussed at EG meeting in October 2016

5 Next steps – Art. 12 checklist
What remains to be done: Finalise integrating comments from consultation Add population size unit and revise information on SAPs, BMSs and MPs Check listing of Annex I and Annex II species Integrate taxonomic/nomenclatural changes in vol. 2 (passerines) of HBW–BirdLife checklist Next steps: Final Art. 12 checklists available from the Reference Portal in the beginning of May 2017

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