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UNIT 2: MICROBIOLOGY 2.1 Taxonomy Objectives:

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 2: MICROBIOLOGY 2.1 Taxonomy Objectives:"— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 2: MICROBIOLOGY 2.1 Taxonomy Objectives:
1. Explain why scientists need a way to classify organisms. 2. List the levels of classification in order from general to specific. 3. Explain what a species is and how species are named.

2 Activity: How clean is your mouth?
Purpose: To capture and culture microorganisms normally present in your mouth and on your lips. Materials and Methods: see pg 97 Nelson Biology 11, College Preparation * You will observe the growth of bacteria over the next week. You will record information about the colony growth (such as shape, colour, texture and size)

3 Activity (cont’d) Observations:
Prepare an observation table in your notes with the following headings. Day Colony Descriptions # of Colonies growing 1 (you will describe individual colonies here so leave lots of space --- don’t even draw the lines for rows 2-5 yet until you know how much space you need) (you will record how many of each type of colony are growing) 2

4 Activity (cont’d) You will also draw your petri plate each day
Your drawings must be on blank white paper ½ page per drawing Include for each drawing: a title which tells the reader EXACTLY what the picture is – swab of who’s lips, how many days in the incubator)

5 2.1 Taxonomy Taxonomy is the branch of science that classifies organisms

6 Why Classify? Scientists need a way to “name” organisms
The “common names” of organisms can sometimes be misleading or confusing To communicate effectively, biologists need a consistent naming protocol Consider the following....

7 Is this a puma, mountain lion, catamount or a cougar?

8 Sea Lion? Ant lion? Lion?

9 Which one of these is NOT a bear?
Koala – Animalia, chordata, Mammalia, Marsupialia... Panda – Animalia, chordata, Mammalia, Carnivora, Ursidae (family) Ailuropoda melanoleuca Phascolarctos cinereus Ursus americanus Which one of these is NOT a bear?

10 Jellyfish? Starfish? Parrot fish?

11 Ringworm?

12 Levels of Classification (TAXA)
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species (Each group gets smaller, more specific)

13 King Phil Came Over For Good Soup

14 A Species... is always a GROUP of organisms which are VERY SIMILAR
can MATE (reproduce sexually) and produce FERTILE OFFSPRING (“species” is both singular and plural – there is no such thing as a “specie”)

15 Binomial Nomenclature
The naming system used by scientists is called Binomial Nomenclature The scientific name is written Genus species

16 Humans Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order Primate
Family Hominidae Genus Homo Species sapiens

17 Homo sapiens (underlined) Homo sapiens (italics)
So what is the scientific name of our species? Homo sapiens (underlined) or Homo sapiens (italics) H. sapiens (abbreviated) Never... Homo Sapiens, nor... Homo sapien, nor... homo sapiens, nor... Homo sapiens

18 What are the scientific names of each of these organisms?
Lion Tiger Pintail Duck Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Aves Order Carnivora Anseriformes Family Felidae Anatidae Genus Panthera Anas Species leo tigris acouta What are the scientific names of each of these organisms?

19 Quick Quiz! 1. Kingdom, __________, Class, ___________, Family, ___________, _____________. 2. Which two groups are used for an organism’s scientific name? 3. Which of the following pairs is MOST closely related? Acer rubrum & Acer saccharum Acer rubrum & Chenopodium rubrum 4. The system we use for naming is called __________ ________________. 5. The science of classification is called __________. Acer rubrum – red maple Chenopodium rubrum – red goosefoot

20 Your Task Read pp and answer questions #1-7

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