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Unit 3: Costs of Production and Perfect Competition

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1 Unit 3: Costs of Production and Perfect Competition
Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

2 Short-Run Production Costs
Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

3 Definition of the “Short-Run”
We will look at both short-run and long-run production costs. Short-run is NOT a set specific amount of time. The short-run is a period in which at least one resource is fixed. Plant capacity/size is NOT changeable In the long-run ALL resources are variable NO fixed resources Plant capacity/size is changeable Today we will examine short-run costs 3 Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

4 Different Economic Costs
Total Costs FC = Total Fixed Costs VC = Total Variable Costs TC = Total Costs Per Unit Costs AFC = Average Fixed Costs AVC = Average Variable Costs ATC = Average Total Costs MC = Marginal Cost Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

5 Definitions Fixed Costs: Variable Costs:
Costs for fixed resources that DON’T change with the amount produced Ex: Rent, Insurance, Managers Salaries, etc. Average Fixed Costs = Fixed Costs Quantity Variable Costs: Costs for variable resources that DO change as more or less is produced Ex: Raw Materials, Labor, Electricity, etc. Average Variable Costs = Variable Costs Quantity Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

6 Definitions Total Cost: Marginal Cost: Sum of Fixed and Variable Costs
Average Total Cost = Total Costs Quantity Marginal Cost: Additional costs of an additional output. Ex: If the production of two more output increases total cost from $100 to $120, the MC is _____. $10 Marginal Cost = Change in Total Costs Change in Quantity Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

7 Calculating Costs Notice that the AVC + AFC = ATC ATC of 6 Units
Fill out the chart then calculate: ATC of 6 Units AFC of 2 Units AVC of 4 Units ATC of 1 Unit AVC of 5 Units AFC of 5 Units ATC of 5 Units Output Variable Cost Fixed Total Marginal $0 $10 - 1 2 $17 3 $25 4 $40 5 $60 6 $110 $20 $5 $10 $12 $2 $14 Notice that the AVC + AFC = ATC For 5 Units: AVC ($12) + AFC ($2) = ATC ($14) Is this is true for 4 Units? Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

8 Calculating Costs AVC AFC ATC $0 $10 - 1 2 $17 3 $25 4 $40 5 $60 6
Output Variable Cost Fixed Total Marginal $0 $10 - 1 2 $17 3 $25 4 $40 5 $60 6 $110 AVC AFC ATC - $20 $5 $10 $12 $2 $14 Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

9 Calculating Costs AVC AFC ATC - $20 $5 $10 $12 $2 $14 Copyright
ACDC Leadership 2015

10 ATC and AVC get closer and closer but NEVER touch
MC Costs ATC $20 $18 $16 $14 $12 $10 $8 $6 $4 $2 AVC ATC and AVC get closer and closer but NEVER touch Average Fixed Cost AFC Quantity Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

11 Calculate TC, VC, and FC of the 5th Unit
MC Costs ATC $20 $18 $16 $14 $12 $10 $8 $6 $4 $2 AVC Calculate TC, VC, and FC of the 5th Unit AFC Quantity Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

12 Total Cost Curves TC FC + VC = TC VC $10 FC Fixed Cost Costs Quantity
Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

13 2008 Audit Exam 50. Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

14 1. 2.


16 Calculating Costs Practice
Fill out the chart then calculate: ATC of 6 Units AFC of 2 Units AVC of 3 Units ATC of 5 Units AVC of 2 Units AVC of 4 Units AFC of 4 Units ATC of 4 Units Output Variable Cost Fixed Total Marginal $0 $20 - 1 $12 2 $22 3 $27 4 $40 5 $60 6 $100 $20 $10 $9 $16 $11 $5 Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

17 How much does the 10th unit costs?
MC $30 25 20 15 10 5 ATC AVC Calculate TC, VC, and FC AFC Quantity Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

18 Per-Unit Costs (Average and Marginal)
At output Q, what area represents: TC VC FC Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

19 Additional Practice TP VC FC TC MC AVC AFC ATC 100 1 10 2 16 3 21 4 26
100 1 10 2 16 3 21 4 26 5 30 6 36 7 46 Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

20 Calculating TC, VC, FC, ATC, AFC, and MC
TP VC FC TC MC AVC AFC ATC 100 1 10 2 16 3 21 4 26 5 30 6 36 7 46 Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

21 Calculate A-E TP VC FC TC MC AVC AFC ATC 100 - 1 10 110 2 16 116 6 8 A
100 - 1 10 110 2 16 116 6 8 A 58 3 21 121 5 B 33.3 40.3 4 26 126 6.5 25 31.5 30 130 D E 36 136 C 16.67 22.67 7 46 146 6.6 14.3 20.9 Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

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