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Wireless Group Management

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1 Wireless Group Management
Luigi V. Mancini Università "La Sapienza" Roberto Di Pietro DeSIRE Workshop Pisa, November 25-26, 2002,

2 Technology Hype We live in a world embedded with small devices, with computing and communication capabilities. These devices are: ubiquitous; Mobile: Portable, handheld, wearable; Small size: from our cell phone to a few squared millimiters; Heterogeneous.

3 Characterization Features: Communication capabilities; Cooperation (e.g. self-organizing); Service Advertising; Proxy. Constraints: Energy supply (Battery powered); Hardware resources (memory, processor capab.); Communication channels (error prone); Limited bandwidth.

4 Security as a pre-requisite for Dependability
Security Features: Authentication; Confidentiality and Integrity for: Group communications; pair wise communications, Availability of services: e.g. regardless of devices constraints we want to provide secure seamless access to data.

5 Constraints Efficient management of membership changes;
Meet exposed constraints: Energy supply (Battery powered); Hardware resources (memory, processor capab.); Communication channels (error prone); Limited bandwidth.

6 Privacy open issues Management of the always on-line/always traceable paradigm; Management of multiple identities; Boundaries to Data migration; Boundaries to Data collection.

7 Concluding Remarks Security and privacy in the wireless environment:
Enabling factors for the fostering of the mobile e-world; Tightly coupled with dependability: main obstacle, if not addressed, to the future of the mobile e-world.

8 Collaborations University of Twente (Nederland);
George Mason University –USA-; Other EU universities within the EU-IST-EYES Project; Other Italian universities within the FIRB framework.

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