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Green Rose Organization

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1 Green Rose Organization
Character · Personality · Growth

2 2017 Introduction

3 What exactly is a “Life Coach” anyway?
Industry Background Information What exactly is a “Life Coach” anyway? “A life coach is like a sculptor who looks their client directly in the eyes and sees nothing but beautiful potential. Thereafter through specific strategies and skills, the coach will then help their client to discover this latent potential for themselves, and will ultimately work with the client to achieve whatever it is that they desire most in life.” ~ S.Malzahn

4 Coaching Style Comparison
The Traditional Life Coach The Quantum Life Coach™ Specializes in MANY areas 7 GOALS IN 7 “LIFE DOMAINS” S-I-M-U-L-T-A-N-E-O-U-S-L-Y R ecreation E ducation F inancial F amily S piritual C ommunity C areer Specializes in ONE area 1 GOAL IN 1 AREA OF LIFE Weight loss Exercise (personal training) Business start-up Becoming a better salesperson Becoming a better parent Becoming a better spouse Picking up girls/boys Improving themselves Learning a new language Coping with a major tragedy Overcoming an addiction Becoming better at sex (yes, really) Having more confidence Many, many others Making for a well-rounded Universal Man / Woman™

5 Green Rose Organization
“Allow me to introduce myself…” ~ Gregory Thornton Rosenbach

6 OUR MISSION “To help those who want to help themselves by providing proper education and guidance that will lead to more personal Success and Happiness.” EXTENDED DEFINITION “ To expedite Self-Actualization among our constituents and beneficiaries through the medium of education on various techniques, methods, and practical forms of application to ultimately Empower such individuals to reach higher levels of personal function, capacity, and effectiveness.”

7 OUR FOCUS We as an Organization strive to Entertain, Educate and Empower the General Public in the arena of communication, relationship, leadership, values, beliefs systems, goal setting, purposeful life planning, spiritual inquisition, and much MUCH more. ALTHOUGH WE ARE OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC, Our specialization is in serving the Public Educational & Institutional Populations.

8 OUR COLORS & SYMBOLISM “Green is the color of growth, of energy, spirit, and the Life Force deep within. Black portrays vast emptiness in which ALL can be contained; a vessel for all to exist in limitless form. Metaphor describes the timeline of Humanity. Tiny seedlings packed with infinite potential ; our journey begins.  Exposure springs the root of value, belief, principle, and perception; the foundation from which we grow.  Stem emerges as the backbone of courage and faith, liberating us from the murky depths, rising above circumstance.  Thorns of menace will pierce the heart as spectacular scores of suffering.  Over time the barbs will harden, providing natural defense by way of Wisdom.  With refinement and maturity, the beautiful bud will blossom; exposing for the very first time, such a magnificent display of True Self .” ~ The Green Rose lives!

“Everything happens for a reason and a purpose, and can serve us, but only if we CHOOSE so!” “Behind every behavior is a positive intention.” “This is no such thing as failure, only results.” “People are our greatest resource.” “No matter what happens we can take responsibility.” WHAT WE FIND IMPORTANT Love  •  Compassion  •  Joy  •  Equanimity  •  Communication

10 WHAT WE ARE NOT The Green Rose Organization and it's constituents are not in any way licensed nor certified medical / financial professionals.  All programs, products, and services provided by the Green Rose Organization should NOT be perceived as a supplement for professional mental health treatment, counseling, therapy, or financial advice.  For more information about the Green Rose Organization's intended purpose and functions please review our consumer disclaimer and privacy policy.

11 Personality Refinement
WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER Character Enrichment Personality Refinement Emotional Management Belief System Change Leadership Ability Interpersonal Communication Spiritual Inquisition COURSES Primary Paths ELECTIVES Plugin Programs



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