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Fourth Grade A Peek at The Next Two Weeks in… Jan. 10, 2018

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1 Fourth Grade A Peek at The Next Two Weeks in… Jan. 10, 2018
Many of the students are in need of having their consumable supplies replenished – please check with your child. Please Help Us! Please be aware that your student’s resource schedule is based on the math teacher – so it is best to be ready with shoes, books and recorders each day. PE schedule Higley & Joseph: Monday & Wednesday Rickert & Niblet: Tuesday & Thursday ALL FUTURE Q3 NEWSLETTERS WILL BE DIGITAL Math M4.4 Multiplication and division of multi-digit numerals – we will have a review of the models that the students have learned before moving on to the next unit of study. Word Work Spelling will resume next week. The first test will be Wednesday, January 24. Lists are available online at if you should choose to have your child study at home: WW & SJ lists are available by searching lists with Mrs. Rickert’s name and DC lists are accessed through Mrs. Jenkin’s name. As long as the temp is above 40F and there is no precipitation, we will be outside for recess. Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for that. Science/ Social Studies VS.5 American Revolution S4.5 Ecosystems Scan the QRI codes for quick access to the 4th grade teacher webpages. Higley Rickert Multiplication as well as Division Facts are a MUST for the current unit of math. If you notice that your student struggles with easy recall of any of their 1-12 times facts, please use one of any of the following to help them improve their fluency: Flash cards HoodaMath IXL 3rd grade math facts If you have not joined REMIND, then use the QRI codes to access the webpages in order to sign up for a conference time on February 5.

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