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World War I Chapter 19.

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1 World War I Chapter 19

2 Activity: War For what reasons do countries go to war?
In your opinion, are there any good reasons to go to war? Explain.

3 Causes Nationalism – devotion to ones own country
Imperialism – countries extending their land and building empires Militarism – building up armed forces Naval arms race

4 2 Sides Allies – France, Britain and Russia
Central Powers (Triple Alliance) – Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Ottoman Empire also a big player

5 Green – Allies Gold – Central Powers Gray - Neutral

6 Assassination Leads to War
Archduke Franz Ferdinand is shot by Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo. June 1914 Ferdinand was the heir to the Austrian Throne Princip a Serbian nationalist People thought it would be a short war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia Many nations brought into conflict


8 Fighting Begins August 3, 1914 – Germany invades Belgium
Schlieffen Plan – defeat France first then Russia Trench Warfare “No Mans Land”




12 A letter home… Imagine that you are fighting in WWI, in the trenches. Write a letter to a loved one (Mom, Dad, sibling, spouse, best friend) that detail what a soldier must have been thinking in the trenches. Fears, experiences, sights, sounds, smells Must be at least ½ a page no more than 1 page.

13 What about the US? The question of neutrality
Do we stay out and profit by selling goods? Do we stop the “Bully of Europe”

14 War Hits Home British blockade of Germany
US ships can’t deliver goods Sinking of the Lusitania by German U-boat Americans on board Other ships attacked, Americans killed Woodrow Wilson elected president in 1916 America declares war Zimmerman note – Germany tries to lure Mexico away from US

15 War in America Selective Service Act – Draft
3 million drafted Mass production of War Goods Convoy System – protect ships

16 New Inventions Machine Gun – 600 rounds per minute

17 New Inventions Airplanes with guns

18 New Inventions Anti-Aircraft Guns

19 New Inventions Poison Gas and Gas masks

20 New Inventions Tanks

21 War at Home Income Tax Anti-Immigration Scare
American’s fearful of an attack from within Espionage and Sedition Acts Don’t say bad stuff about the gov’t Food Conservation “One day meatless, another sweetless, two days wheatless and two more porkless

22 Everyone Helping The “Great Migration”
African Americans flocking to the north to gain factory jobs Women also taking jobs that were once seen as strictly for men

23 War Comes to a Close Nov – Both Germany and Austria Hungary surrender Armistice – Truce At 11:11 on 22 million dead, 20 million wounded World’s deadliest war, so far

24 After the War Wilson’s 14 points – plan for world peace
League of Nations – countries and settle disagreements Treaty of Versailles Germany is responsible for war Must pay reparations – war damages Germany losses territory (Poland) Breaks the German economy

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