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minds on – what do you see?

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Presentation on theme: "minds on – what do you see?"— Presentation transcript:

1 minds on – what do you see?
Simple – Look at the picture on the next slide the same way we looked at the propaganda posters What do you see? What is obvious? What can you infer based on this picture? What questions do you have based on this picture? Write them on the Post It and out them on the board. Your questions should: Be based on what you know or would want to know if you had more information Can be answerable with more investigation Lead to a bigger understanding of the subject


3 Trench Life

4 The Western Front: 1914 The failure of the Schlieffen Plan meant this was a trench war, not a mobile war A series of trenches stretched over 700 km across Western Europe (France and Belgium) There was an Eastern Front as well where the Germans were fighting the Soviets There was little movement over – This is referred to as a stalemate

5 The Design of the Trenches

6 The Design of the Trenches

7 No man’s land No Man’s Land was the area between the Allied and enemy trenches The strategy of trench warfare was to advance through this area

8 Over the Top Going ‘over the top’ was leaving the trench to attack the enemy Was the method of trying to make an advance

9 Shell Shock Mental illness caused by constant shelling
Affected soldiers who spent too long at the front

10 Trench Foot Foot condition caused by too much exposure to mud and water


12 Bully Beef Canned beef made from low grade meat
War profiteers used the worse quality meat possible to make more profits

13 Video Clip – The Trenches

14 CSI – Canada’s Response to Black Soldiers (pg. 10-13)
With your partner discuss ‘Before Reading’ Q2 You will recreate the chart (Q2) in ‘During Reading’ and reflect on Evidence 1.13, 1.14, 1,15 Answer the question connected to Evidence Also answer, what changes might have happened in between 1914 and 1916 that made the government change their position? Write a response to the following: Does the creation of the Construction Battalion represent a step forward for Canada’s attitude towards Black Canadians, or was it actually a step backward in our attitudes?

15 Wrap Up – Post It Exit You don’t need to put your name on it, but very simply – Do you think you could handle Trench Life? Why or why not?

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