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Roisin Daly MAP 1 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Roisin Daly MAP 1 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roisin Daly MAP 1 1

2 In 1977… "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977 2 2

3 In 2016… 3 3

4 Not just in the home… Pope Benedict 2005 Pope Francis 2013 4 4

5 The digital revolution has already happened.
The scale of change that has taken place - in how people choose to communicate, watch TV, learn, bank, shop, and organise their lives - has been likened to the industrial revolution. And it’s not over yet. The pace of technology-fuelled change is still accelerating. For the non-profit sector this process of digital transformation offers both exciting opportunities and significant risks. Those organisations who relish the task will find new ways to both revolutionise their internal operations, and to deliver high impact services to more people who need them.  The digital revolution has already happened. We are living in the aftermath. 5 5

6 What tools have you used
Table discussion What tools have you used In your work?

7 Tackle inequality by equipping individuals with basic digital skills
SCVO digital strategy… PARTICIPATION Tackle inequality by equipping individuals with basic digital skills EVOLUTION Maximise the impact of the third sector by encouraging digital transformation and evolution INNOVATION Support digital innovation in the third sector to extend the reach and impact of organisations through the use of tech for good 7 7

8 Tackle inequality by equipping individuals with basic digital skills
PARTICIPATION Tackle inequality by equipping individuals with basic digital skills 8 8

9 It’s easy to take it for granted…
Not everyone is online Not everyone who is online has appropriate skills Digital exclusion interacts with other forms of exclusion We need to ensure existing inequalities are not exacerbated by a widening digital divide 9 9

10 Basic digital skills Managing information Communicating Transacting
Problem solving Creating

11 Some learning… Motivation and skills are bigger issues than access
50% that don’t have the skills want to acquire them… The key is finding a ‘hook’. Needs to be about individuals. Projects embedded in existing service provision most successful 11 11

12 EVOLUTION Maximise the impact of the third sector by encouraging digital transformation and evolution 12 12

13 The internet is disrupting traditional business models…
13 13

14 It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. - Charles Darwin 14 14

15 Using digital in creative ways: Social media

16 Using digital in creative ways: Team collaboration

17 Using digital in creative ways: Creating visual content

18 Using digital in creative ways: Interactive presentation tools

19 Digital potential: connecting individuals to support

20 Digital potential: efficient engagement

21 Some practical messages around digital…
Listen to user needs Start small and then scale Avoid bespoke systems – use what’s out there Technology enables of change, but success is all down to people Of all the sectors to benefit from the rise of digital and social platforms over the past decade, the charity sector has been one of the clear winners. It has transformed campaigning and fundraising while the whole process of donating in support of a cause has become virtually frictionless. It has also changed the way charities share information about their work, making it much easier for those who need their support to connect with them in the right way. Compare this with the way charities use digital tools to work with and support volunteers and an entirely different story emerges. While there is an acknowledgement that digital platforms can vastly improve the effectiveness with which charities engage with their volunteers and - crucially from a volunteer’s perspective - improve the volunteering experience, there are few stand-out examples of charities who are doing a great job. Partly this is because necessity dictated that revenue and reputation had to be the initial priorities for charities in their use of digital. ALSO READ Blog: Processes don't work, people do But it is also the case that, even where charities have tried, successfully delivering the potential gains in knowledge sharing, communication and administration among volunteers has been harder than many envisaged. Having spoken to a number of charities about their experience of rolling out these programmes in the past year or so, three critical success factors emerge when it comes to planning. The first is to start small and then build scale.  Initiatives which are driven from the centre of charities, launched with a big bang and an expectation that volunteers will suddenly rush en masse to using a new knowledge-sharing platform or using new collaborative project-planning software to manage volunteering time may make for a good business case but are more likely to fail. This is down to the simple fact that bigger projects are harder to get right and soak up significant support before and after launch – something which few charities can afford. A second success factor is to start planning by listening to the priorities of volunteers. While there is a need to focus on the big picture of what the charity needs to achieve, failing to address and acknowledge the issues that really matter to volunteers in any changes you make will simply alienate them, making them less likely to support any new way of working or resource you provide. A third planning focus is ensure you get the technology right. In the short term, this is an area where using simple cloud-based applications to meet specific user needs – like document sharing or holding virtual meetings - will pay dividends and volunteers supportive of what you are doing. But from a strategic perspective, given that the big improvements in supporting volunteers will involve the ability to easily access and move data, putting a plan in place to liberate this data and move it to the cloud will allow greater flexibility when it comes to embracing new ways of working and helping them deliver services more effectively. Lastly, in planning any initiative to the way they support volunteers, charities have to remember that while technology is the enabler of change, it is still people who will drive success or failure. Understanding the extent to which current skills, behaviour and culture can support your plans and where your people may need help is therefore a critical consideration from the outset.

22 Your Digital Training Needs?
22 22

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