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Ms. Davis, Mrs. Martin, Ms. McKeathern, Miss Sutton, Mrs. Watkins

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1 Ms. Davis, Mrs. Martin, Ms. McKeathern, Miss Sutton, Mrs. Watkins
Spring Valley Elem. K-Hive News Ms. Davis, Mrs. Martin, Ms. McKeathern, Miss Sutton, Mrs. Watkins * Phonics – Letterland *Writing –Writing to compose information about a topic. * Reading –Retelling key details from informational text *Science –Describing the position of an object and how it moves * Math – Identifying a group that has more or less or the same amount of objects Homework is posted on your child’s teacher’s website. ** Be sure to check your child’s Communication Folder nightly and sign his/her behavior calendar** *Looking Ahead* In December, the K-Hive hosts a week long celebration of Holidays Around the World. More information about this week long event will be coming soon. If you like to donate to this special event please contact your child’s teacher. 11/6/18 – 2hr Delay/Arrival 9:15 11/9/18 – PBIS Glow Party and Awards (more info to come) 11/12/18 – Veteran’s Day (no school) 11/15/18 – Museum of Life and Science Field Trip 11/15/18 –Picture retake 11/21-11/23 – Fall Break (school will resume 11/26/18)

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