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Chapter 5.

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1 Chapter 5


3 Latin for “Roman Peace” 27 BCE-180 CE
The Basics Pax Romana Latin for “Roman Peace” 27 BCE-180 CE 200 years of peace and great achievement in the Roman Empire the Golden Age of Rome

4 59-51 BCE conquered Gaul (France)
The Background Julius Caesar 59-51 BCE conquered Gaul (France) Became a famous military hero in Rome 49 BCE “Crossed the Rubicon” crossed the Rubicon River with his army & entered the city of Rome --fought for 5 years against the rest of the Roman army civil war -war between people in the same country

5 dictator- a single ruler with absolute power
The Background Julius Caesar 49 BCE made himself dictator of Rome dictator- a single ruler with absolute power By doing this... Caesar created the Roman Empire Empire- a collection of regions and people led by a ruler with absolute power March 15, 44 BCE— Killed on the Senate floor by 2 unhappy senators, Brutus & Cassius

6 -defeated his sworn enemy, Marc Antony
The Background Caesar’s nephew took over Augustus Caesar Won a famous battle--Battle of Actium,31 BCE -defeated his sworn enemy, Marc Antony -added Egypt to the Roman Empire -became very popular in Rome The Senate made him dictator for 10 years -Augustus stayed in power for over 40 yrs. -every leader after Augustus was called an Emperor Under Augustus, Rome went from Republic to Empire



9 brought Roman justice and laws to all provinces
Pax Romana The Pax Romana started under Augustus (27 BCE-180 CE) Augustus…. brought Roman justice and laws to all provinces built a huge army to protect Roman borders from invasion united Roman people under one leader Romans could concentrate on art, architecture, technology, literature, etc “Augustus found Rome built of brick, and left it built of marble.”

10 Roman roads & aqueducts
Technology Transportation system connected all parts of the empire Roman roads & aqueducts --bridge-like structures that carry water by using gravity allowed people, armies, and trade caravans to travel quickly through empire

11 Added arches and domes to post and beam architecture
Rome borrowed Greek columns and building designs Added arches and domes to post and beam architecture



14 Art Rome borrowed Greek ideas of beauty and realism Took realism further by making people look really real, not just perfect and beautiful 14

15 Cultural Diffusion during the Pax Romana
Roman culture spread through the Empire Roman laws & justice for all Latin language blended with local languages to form: Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese Gladiator sports/coliseums everywhere Religion: Roman polytheism; eventfully Christianity 15

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