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“FP6: objectives and instruments for SMEs”

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1 “FP6: objectives and instruments for SMEs”
Brainstorming on “eBusiness for SMEs in FP6” Enrica Chiozza New Methods of works and e-commerce

2 IST in FP6 - for Priority Areas
IST is not only priority 2, it’s an enabling technology….. It’s everywhere, strong in areas like ...

3 Applied IST for major societal and economic challenges
The whole of IST Trust & Confidence IST for societal challenges IST for economic challenges Demanding applications Applied IST for major societal and economic challenges Integration Specific Anywhere anytime natural and enjoyable access to IST services for ALL Pervasive, mobile, wireless, trustful infrastructures Miniaturised, low cost low power components & µsytems Natural interactions with ‘ knowledge ’  Communic. & networking Software µ, nano & opto electr. µ and nano systems Knowledge technologies interfaces Information society technologies sector is becoming the 2nd largest sector of the economy with from 6 to 10% of total business and more than 2 million employees (EU). IST innovations are key enablers of economic growth with new products and services, re-organised value chains,… and providing solutions to key societal problems like health, environment, security, education, elderly and disabled,... Finally, Research in all disciplines is highly dependent on IST Biotech and genetics, climate change, other science and engineering, ... In the framework of FP6, a possible view of IST includes: - three main building boxes, communication computing and software, components and microsystem, knowledge and interfaces technologies - and applied IST to address major societal and economic challenges. IST in FP6 will: - Bring the user, “people”, to the foreground, to the “centre of our attention” ... - … and build trustful, embedded, intuitive technologies working in the background (almost invisible). The participation in the recently launched call for expression of interest is very important. In this way the main actors of the islands and rest of peripheral regions will have a chance to be part of Integrated Projects and Network of Excellence and in that way participate actively and be part of the European Research Area. Generic Building blocks

4 To deliver a major contribution to the EUs New Strategic Goal:
Business & Work Challenges To deliver a major contribution to the EUs New Strategic Goal: « To become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world » capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion The Lisbon summit set out the objective that by 2010 the European Union should become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge based economy in the world Barcelona summit set the objective that investment in R&D should reach the 3% of GDP. It is clear that SMEs need to play a crucial role in achieving these objectives considering that SMEs represent the majority of enterprises in EU and they are main source of dynamism in the development of new products and services. Besides them a large number of SMEs and Associations of SMEs want to internationalise in search of new markets and business opportunities.

5 Ways to achieve that... supporting innovative forms of e-Business and e-Work managing world-class research in e-Business and e-Work, increasing the impact of research results, and by, developing and supporting relevant policies in co-operation with other Commission services and Member State initiatives.

6 FP6 Instruments for Priority Areas
NEW Integrated Projects (IP) objective driven RTD Networks of Excellence (NoE) to support RTD excellence & to integrate long-term European expertise RTD resources Specific Targeted Research Projects (STRPs) Shared-cost RTD & demonstration projects (similar to FP5) Co-ordination Actions (CA) to network & co-ordinate RTD & innovation activities Specific Support Actions (SSA) to support implementation of FP6 activities & policies Horizontal Research Activities for SME Co-operative research Collaborative research The main route for SMEs participation in FP6 will be through IP, NoE and traditional instruments. Projects can cover all the seven priority areas 15% of the FP6 budget will be dedicated to SMEs (1.7 Beuros) Moreover 450 M Euros have been allocated to horizontal research activities Various actions have been taken to encourage the participation of SMEs in the FP6 and in their involvement in projects funded under the different schemes. Specific actions Proposers are encouraged to indicate the specific tasks and involvement of SMEs in their projects research or technology testing and deployment. Participation of SMEs associations of SMEs grouping their added value through the broad knowledge of specific sectors, needs, etc. Specific evaluation criteria for IP and NoE. In the IPs Smes involvement can make important contribution to European competitiveness or addressing societal change. SMEs in NoE may contribute to increase longer term strategic impact and direct SMEs participation woll be encouraged to reach higher impact. Specific for SMEs

7 Integrated Projects at a Glance
Focused, goal-oriented R&D: Pulling together a “critical mass” of resources May span various elements of technology value chain e.g. basic research, technology develpmt, demonstration, take-up, training activities Size & duration: Several M€ to tens of M€ 3-5 years Participants: Minimum 3 legal entities: 2 from MS Industry-academia collaboration including SMEs Focused R&D Specific tasks in terms of participation of SMEs in research areas, for the leading edge ones test bed for technology deployment demonstration activities Participation since the early stages of the project or in a second phase. Possible extension of running projects, particularly to ensure exploitation of results.

8 Networks of Excellence at a Glance
Scope “Virtual” network of Centres of Excellence To integrate RTD resources across Europe To reinforce S&T excellence To progress knowledge on established or emerging fields Size & duration Several M€/year Support to Joint Programme of Activities (up to 25%) including R&D, training, int’l co-operation, mobility 5-7 years Participants Minimum 3 (2 from MS): Universities, research labs, industrial labs, enterprises (including SMEs) “Critical mass” of key actors 6 3 5 1 4 NoE 2 Research Centres

9 NoE - Joint Programme of Activities Integrating/Shaping RTD in Europe
The NoE field Partner1 Partner 2 Partner 3 Partner 4 Integrating activities “Binding” Partner 2 Partner 4 Partner 3 Partner 2 Partner 1 Partner1 Partner 4 Partner 3 RTD activities in Europe with the NoE (the JPA) RTD activities in Europe before the NoE (today) Co-ordinated

10 Specific Targeted RTD Projects
Principle: focused on one specific activity & specific results by supporting research activities of more limited scope & ambition than Integrated Projects Similar to current RTD contracts research (50%) demonstration (35%) combined research & demonstration Participation: at least 3 independent organisations from at least two Member States or Associated States

11 Co-ordination & Specific Support Actions
Co-ordination Actions Similar to current thematic networks Support to logistics, ... can cover up to 100% of additional costs Specific Support Actions An evolved form of the accompanying measures of FP5 e.g. conferences, seminars, studies and analyses, expert groups, operational support, dissemination, information and communication activities

12 WP2003-04 Themes Networked business and government
Product & services design 2010 Applications for the mobile user Cross-media content development Technology-enhanced learning and access to culture Open development platforms for software and services Semantic-based knowledge systems & cognitive systems Dependability and security framework, risk management Embedded systems and safety of road vehicles and transport systems Post-CMOS, micro and nano-systems, displays, optical opto-electronic, photonic components, interfaces Broadband access, networked audio-visual systems, home networks, mobile and wireless after 3G, e-Inclusion, e-health

13 Business & Work Challenges
Management of dynamic collaborative networks Technologies for Interoperability Networked businesses and governments Open, secure, interoperable & re-configurable e-government platforms Managing Knowledge to support innovation By % of revenue will be generated by networked organisations. IST as driver for small businesses and government re-organisation By 2010 the self organised business is recognised has the most efficient form for conducting business. By 2010 "the plug and do business" concept is fully implemented in most sectors of industry, allowing organisations to switch business from one network to another at no cost.  Open the organisation The future company Put knowledge to work The oil of new business Link the small Involve all Long term challenges High socio-economic impact Technology – Policy – Implementation

14 Business & Work Challenges.
Services and Products engineering in 2010 Technologies, engineering methodologies, novel tools and work environments, demonstrating holistic product design, standardisation,... Applications and Services for the mobile User and Worker Integration of innovative mobile and multi-modal applications, barriers to application deployment, interoperability and openness of services,... – technologies, engineering methodologies, novel tools and work environments and methods that facilitate creativity, resource use efficiency and collaboration, as well as holistic approaches for products and associated services. Work will consider all product stages, from conception, design, configuration, to production, delivery, maintenance, and disposal, as well as, work organisation and the work environment,and will include customer-centric approaches such as customisation, fulfilment, logistics, maintenance. – emerging technologies for the development of products and associated business and work models able to create, enrich, deliver and secure related intangible assets and goods such as human and social capital, digital content and related rights, supporting knowledge and information flow between suppliers and users as well as context-aware product configuration and adaptation. – demonstrating the feasibility and applicability of holistic product design, development and distribution tools and methods in a rich variety of sectoral settings (e.g. automotive, aerospace, construction, industrial textiles, furniture, agriculture and food, transport and delivery, maritime, electronics, content). – global standardisation initiatives in the area of inter-enterprise business processes management and integration (e.g. planning, scheduling and co-ordination), heterogeneous virtual business and manufacturing networks (e.g. for assuring process transparency and traceability of produced parts), shop floor automation as well as knowledge management and security. – The integration of technologies into a wide range of innovative mobile and multimodal applications and services including workplace designs that enhance creativity and productivity: Intelligent, adaptive and self-configuring services, including location based services, that provide access to corporate and government resources and deploy wearable interfaces. They should enable automatic context-sensitivity, user profiling and personalisation in a trusted and secure environment, multi-lingual and multi-cultural presentation, and multiple modes of interaction; Novel workplace designs and methods of work organisation that enable collaboration of multi-location and mobile workers and can increase participation in, and access to work by women, disabled and older workers and in remote and rural areas. – Addressing the major hurdles for the deployment of applications and services for the mobile user so as to ensure: openness and interoperability of service development and provision environments, including location-based services compatible with existing and emerging satellite infrastructures (e.g. Galileo), interoperability of service roaming across heterogeneous networks, service environments and fixed and wireless environments including billing, payment, ticketing and accounting services,

15 Good to know For More Information ...  Work Programme 2003-2004
 Guidelines on the FP6 Instruments  Support SMEs participation in FP6  1st Call for proposals (17Dec 2002)  Guidelines for Proposers

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