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Published byRonald Simpson Modified over 6 years ago
Planning For Before, During, and After Test Administration
Hawai’i Statewide Assessment Program Test Administrator Training (pt. 1) Planning For Before, During, and After Test Administration
Packet Contents Contents: *Please photocopy as necessary
1- copy of Test Administration Manual (TAM) - very important information and script Guidelines and Procedures Document Scratch paper (Math packet has graph paper as well) 1 - Do Not Disturb sign 4 – Colorama sheets for students that finish early (do not allow early bird finishers to access anything other than coloring sheets. Do not allow any student to go to inaccessible area with phones) or blank paper to draw on 1 - Testing Incident Report Form* 1- SBA Session ID Log* *Please photocopy as necessary
Current Info Smarter Balanced Math Performance Task (PT) will NO LONGER be administered. Math has CAT only. Smarter Balanced ELA/Literacy PT will include one question in segment one, and one full write in segment two. Student must complete BOTH the CAT and PT in order to receive a score. Pause Rule: If a test is paused for more than 20 minutes, the student will not be able to go back to answered items on the previous screens. SB ELA/Literacy CAT has less “time consuming items. ”
Complete the on-line TA Certification <> Attend School TA Trainings STRONGLY ENCOURAGED: Provide your students the opportunity to take the Training Test and Practice Test for each content area. This allows the students the opportunity to become familiar with all of the item types, universal tools, buttons, etc. Inform your School Test Coordinator immediately if you will not be available to test during your assigned days/times. TA certificates DO NOT need to be turned in, but PLEASE make sure this is done in a timely manner, BEFORE your scheduled testing days/times. This will ensure that your testing will run smoothly for you and your students.
Scheduling Time - ELA ELA CAT: approximately 1:30 (gr 3-5),1:25 (gr 6-8), 1:15 (HS) For ELA CAT: no more than 3 sessions (+90 minutes) Once a student moves to Segment 2, he/she will not be able to review or revise answers in Segment 1 For ELA, recommended to start with the CAT, finish with PT (CAT window: 45 days; PT window 10 days) Recommendation: Student completes the CAT within 2-3 days of starting and PT within one day of starting
Scheduling Time - Math For Math CAT: approximately 1 hour 35 minutes;
For Math CAT, administered in one or two sessions (40-60 minutes) Most students will complete the CAT in two sessions of 60 minutes or less OR one long session of more than 60 minutes Recommendation: Student completes the CAT within 3 calendar days of starting
ELA & MATH CAT *45 calendar days, but recommended 2 but no more than 3 days after starting (2 sessions) Approximately 1:25 *Students need to work at his/her own pace. Limiting the number of test questions is considered a test security violation If a test is paused for more than 20 minutes: The student is required to log back into the student interface Will be presented with the page containing the item(s) he/she was working on when the assessment was paused OR the next page (if all items on the previous page were answered) The student will NOT be permitted to review or change any previously answered items, even if marked for review Students may access the digital notepad and highlighted text for previous items during the CAT portion, UNLESS they pause the test for more than 20 minutes SBA scores for the summative assessments will be available in the ORS beginning March 12, Math scores will be avaiable in the ORS immediately after March 12, 2018, however, ELA scores may take up to 10 days before they appear in the ORS.
ELA- PT *10 calendar days, but recommended 2 days after starting (2 sessions) Approximately 1:20 *Students need to work at his/her own pace. Limiting the number of test questions is considered a test security violation There are no pause restrictions. If a PT is paused for 20 minutes or more, the student can return to the current section. Global Notes and highlighted passage text are retained for both parts 1 and 2 throughout the test. Once the student moves from part 1 and 2, they are no longer available to access highlighted item text from the previous segment. In the event of a technical issue, students will be logged out and the test will automatically be paused. Students will need to log in again upon resuming the test. As a security measure, individual students and TAs are automatically logged out of a test session after 30 minutes of inactivity. A warning message will be displayed on the screen prior to the log out. TAs being logged out will result in the closing of the test session for ALL students.
Ensuring Test Security Before Testing
Instructional materials must be removed or covered Ensure there is enough space between students so students will not be tempted to look at others’ answers Place “TESTING - DO NOT DISTURB” sign on doors to promote optimum testing conditions Designate an area for backpacks, cell phones and other electronic devices. This location should be inaccessible to students during testing. Students without backpacks should place his/her cell phone in a designated area Cell phones should be turned OFF, not on vibrate! Check students for smart watches IMPORTANT: Any student not willing to follow these instructions will be removed by security and parent contacted. If students are caught with his/her phone on person, he/she will most likely have their test invalidated!!
Ensuring Test Security During Testing
Provide a quiet environment void of talking or other distractions Actively supervise students Allow access to only allowable resources Unauthorized staff or other adults must not be in the room during testing
Ensuring Test Security During and After Testing
Use of monitoring software is prohibited during testing Descriptions of test items or stimuli must not be retained, discussed or released to anyone Test materials may not be reviewed by any other staff members before, during or after testing Students may draw, color, doodle AFTER he/she is done with the test. Students may not access online programs when they finish testing early due to test security requirements. Scratch paper and Graph paper must be secured and destroyed/shredded immediately following testing Test items, stimuli, reading passages must not be used for instruction ALL testing security incidents MUST BE documented and reported immediately to the TC
Test Improprieties, Irregularities, and Breaches
Impropriety- has a low impact on the individual or group of testing students. e.g. leaving w/o permission Irregularity- impacts an individual or group and may potentially affect student performance on the test, test security, or test validity. e.g. disruption of a fire drill during testing Breach- poses a serious threat to the validity of the test. e.g., test items shared in social media ALL of the above must be immediately reported to the TC and Principal! The TA must immediately fill out the Testing Incident Report Form and verbally inform his/her grade-level counselor and TC (TC will inform Principal). Breaches require immediate attention to the CAS and Assessment Section by phone. If a student is caught with an electronic device, it must be confiscated and removed from student’s possession immediately.
Online Testing ELA CAT and ELA PT will be presented as separate tests. A student may not return to a test once it is completed and submitted Math assessment only consists of the Math CAT Within each test there may be segments. For example, grade 6-8 mathematics tests include a segment with an embedded calculator and another segment where the embedded calculator is not allowed/not available Students must enter an answer for all items on a page before going to the next page. Students may mark items for review and use the Past/Mark Questions drop-down list to return to those answered items
Additional Required Resources
ELA CAT & PT Headphones are required for the listening portion and for students requiring text-to-speech. Students can also use his/her own personal earbuds or earphones. Scratch paper should be provided for note taking, if necessary. Only plain paper or lined paper is appropriate for ELA. Scratch paper for PT can be saved until Part 2 is done. Make sure student writes his/her name and period on the scratch paper for re-distribution and store in a secure and locked area. MATH CAT Headphones are required for text-to-speech Scratch paper and Graph paper can be used on all math assessments
Important Reminders The number of items included in the CAT will vary for each student The tests are not timed, so all the times estimates are approximate Students should be allowed extra time if needed The time for the CAT or PT can be spread out over multiple days as needed for identified students. However, requiring multiple days for a segment is considered a test security violation.
Universal Tools, Designated Supports and Accommodations
Universal Tools - Available to all students based on student preference and selection Designated Supports - Accessibility features of the assessments available for use by any student for whom the need has been indicated by an educator or team of educators Accommodations - Changes in procedures or materials that increase equitable access during the SB assessments. Must be documented in IEP or 504.
Designated Support of Text-to-Speech (for science, math stimuli and items, and ELA items, but not reading passages) Text-to-Speech: Text is read aloud to the student via embedded text-to-speech technology.The student is able to control the speed and volume. Recommendations for Use: Students who are struggling readers may need assistance accessing the assessment by having all or portions of the assessment read aloud Students with reading-related disabilities This support will likely be confusing and may impede the performance of students who do not regularly have the support during instruction Will need to use headphones unless tested individually in a separate setting Something to keep in mind: If a tool/support/accommodation is not used regularly during instruction, this support is likely to be confusing and may impede the performance on assessments
Day of Test Administration
Please see provided copy (section) of Test Administration Manual (TAM) provided in your packet -- contains reminders and important information for Test Administrators. Please review this PRIOR to the first day of testing!! This packet also contains your script that needs to be read VERBATIM (begins on TAM p boxes with bolded “SAY” sections). Highly recommended that you highlight parts to read!!
Creating a Test Session (TAM p. 46)
Reminder: After creating the test session, besides writing it on the dry erase board, please also write it down for your own records. This is in case a student may get involuntarily logged out of the system or if other problems occur in the future. The session must be entered exactly as it appears - it is case sensitive! The TA will be logged out of a tests session if there is no activity for 30 minutes (TA or student) Students must wait for TA approval before being able to start the test If possible, stagger approval times so as not to overload the system For ELA, please be sure students are clicking on the correct test. This is especially important because of the number of calendar days allowed for the tests, especially the PT (only 10 days). If possible, select only ONE test so as to avoid confusion for students (if an error is made, the test’s expiration timeline is activated). Create a NEW test session for each group of students (e.g., each period). Do not use the same test session for all of your students. Do not use another teacher’s log-in and/or password.
Student Login Information
See Test Directions (needs to be read verbatim) Student logs in with his/her legal first name, 10 digit SSID number, and a test session ID. Because students each have a chromebook assigned to them, he/she should know their 10-digit SSID number. If a student cannot log in, please call your grade level counselor or your School Test Coordinator for assistance
Monitoring Test Progress
Once students have started their tests, TA should circulate through the room to ensure that all conditions of test security are maintained! If theTA witnesses or suspects a test security incident, contact the Principal and/or TC immediately! TA’s can also monitor the testing progress of any student via the TA Interface. The interface will not show test items or scores, but will allow the TA to see how many items have been delivered (e.g., question 24/40) The TA Interface is designed to automatically refresh every minute, TA’s can refresh manually by clicking on the refresh button in the upper-right hand corner to manually update
Important Student Directions During Testing (TAM p. 54)
TAs and proctors may not advise or assist students during test sessions, such as: Provide reminders of test taking strategies Advise a student to use scratch paper Provide hints on problem solving techniques Remind students to review work Provide guidance on pacing (speed up or slow down) If you notice the student is off task or if a student is concerned about an item, refer to the statements listed on the TAM page 54 that needs to be read verbatim!
Ten Minute Warning (TAM p. 54-55)
Monitor the testing time and when there is approximately 10 minutes left in the test session, read verbatim the “warning” on page 55 of the handout. After answering the last item in each segment, each student will be presented with a screen prompting him/her to review answers (marked or unmarked) prior to submitting the test. After answering the last question, students must submit their tests. If a student would like to review their answers before submitting, they should click [REVIEW MY ANSWERS] and then [SUBMIT TEST] after they finish reviewing. Once a student submits, he/she will not be able to go back. **TAs should click [Stop Session], log out of the Interface, and collect scratch paper to shred (daily).
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Do not hesitate to call: Test Coordinator name ext. ### (or radio via office) Principal name ext. ### (or radio via office) Security name ext.### (or radio via office) THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO AND GOOD LUCK! :)
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