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Geography and Culture Test

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1 Geography and Culture Test
South Asia Review Geography and Culture Test

2 Round 1 1. India is an example of a/an ________________ because it seems to be separated from the rest of Asia. 2. Since the Maldives is a chain of islands it is considered a/an _________________. 3. Strong seasonal winds in S. Asia which can be dry winds or bring heavy rains are called ________________. Subcontinent Archipelago Monsoons

3 Round 2 1. Give two causes of the serious air pollution in S. Asia
2. Why doesn’t India’s government enforce anti-pollution laws? 3. Chemical fertilizers can be helpful in increasing crop production in S. Asia. How can they be harmful? (Can include any 2) Cooking fires, Factory exhaust, Vehicle exhaust, burning of the rainforest It doesn’t want businesses to go out of business: would raise unemployment rate (EITHER) rains wash pollutions down (acid rain) and plants absorb toxins OR pollutants are washed into rivers by rains.

4 Round 3 1. List two effects of the Asian Brown Cloud.
2. Name two factors which impact climate in S. Asia. 3. Give one negative impact of monsoons. 1. Cools down Indian Ocean, lessens evaporation, thus decreases rainfall, lung cancer and other illnesses, crop production reduction 2. Himalayans/ Rain shadows, Closeness to Indian Oceans, elevation 3. Flooding, alters monsoon rainy season length, causes MT snowcaps to melt, Crop damage causes famine, etc.

5 Halftime! Give four causes of pollution in the Ganges River.
1. Cremation of bodies 2. fertilizer run off 3. Acid Rain 4. Trash 5. Sewer water

6 Round 5 1. What is the name of the religious text of Hinduism?
2. The custom in the Middle East and South Asia of women covering their head is known as ________ . 3. ________ is the Hindu state of eternal peace and enlightenment. 1. Vedas 2. Purdah 3. Nirvana

7 Round 6 1. The sum of one’s good and bad deeds; the good or bad energy created during one’s life which determines their caste in the next life according to Hinduism 2. Which of the following do not correctly describe Hinduism: a. Nirvana is the goal in life for Hindus. b. There is only one path to truth through Hinduism; each person must follow this strictly. c. Each caste has its own specific deity (god) to help them. d. The highest level in the caste system is the priests and academics (known as Brahmins).

8 Round 6 pt 2 3. What aspect of South Asia’s culture is described below which shows one example of how culture impacts the way people live? A. * The joining of 2 families more than a “love match” B. * A means of protecting the social order of South Asia (the caste system) C. * A means for the father’s to get some “return” on their daughters who are generally seen as a liability. 1. Karma 2. b. There is only one path to truth through Hinduism; each person must follow this strictly. ( Hindus believe in multiple paths to Nirvana/Heaven 3. Arranged Marriages/Dowry

9 Round 7 1. List one way the roles of women in South Asia have changed in recent years. 2. Name two religions practiced in South Asia which both believe that sin can affect the afterlife. 3. Name two religions practiced in South Asia from which new religions were born. (Root religions) 1. They can have careers, run for office, vote, some don’t cover heads, etc 2. Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism and Islam 3. Hinduism, Judaism

10 Round 8 1. Name one belief held by Hindu which is rejected by Muslims.
2. What aspect of Hindu culture cannot co-exist in a culture which believes all citizens have equal rights? 3. Which caste can be described as the one whose main deity is Rama who appears on earth as a cow? 1. Reincarnation, Karma, More than one path to heaven, Caste System 2. Caste System: equal rights for all people 3. Brahmins

11 Final Question: Make your Wager! Bet 1-15 pts
List three religions practiced in S. Asia alongside their holy texts, all which use stories to teach morals and serve as a guide for conduct. 1. Judaism = Torah 2. Christianity = Bible 3. Islam = Koran/Quran 4. Hinduism = Vedas

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