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Summer Reading NAHS 2016-17.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer Reading NAHS 2016-17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer Reading NAHS

2 COLLAGE time! Items that are needed in your collage: Characters Scenes
9th Grade SUMMER READING ASSIGNMENT / North Atlanta High School Items that are needed in your collage: Characters Scenes Symbols/Imagery Settings Themes (we will make notes on each point) Conflict Mood/Tone etc….

3 Characters = WHO is in the story; people or
Take notes !!! Characters = WHO is in the story; people or creatures. Focus on main characters Example: List all the MAIN (important) characters in the novel you read.

4 SETTINGS: Settings= where story takes place; the
different places events occur Example: classroom, house, city

5 SCENES: Scenes = any important event that occurred
Example: a birthday party, football game

6 Symbols & Imagery Symbols/Imagery= represent abstract ideas
Abstract vs. Concrete: happiness vs. pencil pure vs. blue Expressing a quality or characteristic apart from any specific object or instance, as justice, poverty, and speed.

7 THEMES: Themes = main ideas, lessons , or morals explored in the novel
Example: Goldilocks and the 3 bears What was the theme?

8 CONFLICTS! Conflict = problems, issues, DRAMA! These conflicts can be
internal or external Example: Cinderella Who had conflicts?

9 MOOD & TONE = the attitude or feeling created in story by the author or the characters or even the setting Example: The Lion King Tyler Perry Movies Spiderman/Batman/Superman

10 What do I use to make my collage???
Use magazines, clip art, your own original art work, even 3-D objects if you like! Make it colorful and creative! *7 note cards! (1 for each idea you discuss)

11 Do not use notebook paper!
SIZE: The size should be larger than a standard sheet of computer paper but smaller than half of a standard poster size. Do not use notebook paper!

12 On the BACK… On the FRONT….
Write your name (first and last), date, and period on the BACK of your collage. Glue/tape all 7 note cards on the back (*face-up so they can be read!) The entire front will be all of the artistic and creative images you describe!

13 Last point: You will present your collage to the class, in “Show and Tell” fashion. Be creative and show what you know!! ***DUE DATE: Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

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