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Chapter 9 Section 2 Questions

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1 Chapter 9 Section 2 Questions
The fall of Rome began with poor leadership, attacks by invaders, and __________________. As Roman Emperor, Constantine moved the empire’s capital to Byzantium which later became known as _______________. In A.D. 410, the Visigoth leader _____________ captured the city of Rome. Rome finally fell when ____________ groups of people invaded from northern Europe. The ideals of government in this Roman document are still with us today. _____________


3 The Decline of Rome Who was Constantine? Political and Social Problems
Main ideas Who was Constantine? The Decline of Rome Economic and Military Problems Political and Social Problems What were Diocletian’s Reforms?


5 Rome Falls SUBTOPICS Rome is Invaded Rome Falls

6 Roman Legacies

7 Roman Legacies Rule of Law

8 Roman Legacies Rule of Law Latin Languages

9 Architectural Styles: domes & arches
Roman Legacies Rule of Law Architectural Styles: domes & arches Latin Languages

10 Architectural Styles: domes & arches
Roman Legacies Rule of Law Christianity Architectural Styles: domes & arches Latin Languages

11 The Legacy of Rome The law & Government of the USA is influenced by the Romans. The alphabet of the Latin Language is used today in the Western World. Architecture – domes, and arches Christianity began in the Roman Empire.

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