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kyk mamma – groot rolf thielen NOTE:
Use any of these three Title slides. Do not add any transitions between slides. Do not add animations to text. Note the use of small caps/ no caps throughout the headings 1
die thielens
shofar ouerskapskursus
nuttige definisies baba-kleuter kind volwassene ouer ouderling
Scripture: 1 Verse (See notes below slide)
I johannes 2:12-14 12 Ek skryf aan julle, my kinders, omdat die sondes julle vergewe is om sy Naam ontwil. 13 Ek skryf aan julle, vaders, omdat julle Hom ken wat van die begin af is. Ek skryf aan julle, jongmanne, omdat julle die Bose oorwin het. NOTE: The scripture name is all small caps. NB: No bullets are allowed on the same slide as a scripture. For the sake of legibility, simplicity and design. Please note the scripture numbers are superscript. (Right click > Font… > See Slide, “Scripture: 1 Verse and header” for example with a header. 4
Scripture: 1 Verse (See notes below slide)
I johannes 2:12-14 13b. Ek skryf aan julle, kinders, omdat julle die Vader ken. NOTE: The scripture name is all small caps. NB: No bullets are allowed on the same slide as a scripture. For the sake of legibility, simplicity and design. Please note the scripture numbers are superscript. (Right click > Font… > See Slide, “Scripture: 1 Verse and header” for example with a header. 5
Scripture: 1 Verse (See notes below slide)
I johannes 2:12-14 14 Ek het aan julle geskrywe, vaders, omdat julle Hom ken wat van die begin af is. Ek het aan julle geskrywe, jongmanne, omdat julle sterk is en die woord van God in julle bly en julle die Bose oorwin het. NOTE: The scripture name is all small caps. NB: No bullets are allowed on the same slide as a scripture. For the sake of legibility, simplicity and design. Please note the scripture numbers are superscript. (Right click > Font… > See Slide, “Scripture: 1 Verse and header” for example with a header. 6
Nehemiah 8:10 (NKJV) 10Then he said to them, “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” [1] Nehemiah 8:10 (NKJV) 10Then he said to them, “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” [1] [1] The New King James Version Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers. [1] The New King James Version Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers. Nehemiah 8:10 10Then he said to them, “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Scripture: 1 Verse (See notes below slide)
volwassenheidsfases dr. Jim Wilder baba-kleuter: 0-4 kind: 4-12 volwassene: 12 - eerste kind ouer: kinders < 13 ouderling: kinders > 13 NOTE: The scripture name is all small caps. NB: No bullets are allowed on the same slide as a scripture. For the sake of legibility, simplicity and design. Please note the scripture numbers are superscript. (Right click > Font… > See Slide, “Scripture: 1 Verse and header” for example with a header. 8
Scripture: 1 Verse (See notes below slide)
baba–kleuter behoeftes: vreugdesbande behoeftes word bevredig sonder om te vra van aangesig tot aangesig beheer oor emosies onvoorwaardelike liefde NOTE: The scripture name is all small caps. NB: No bullets are allowed on the same slide as a scripture. For the sake of legibility, simplicity and design. Please note the scripture numbers are superscript. (Right click > Font… > See Slide, “Scripture: 1 Verse and header” for example with a header. 9
Scripture: 1 Verse (See notes below slide)
baba–kleuter take: vra & ontvang met vreugde sinkroniseer met ander leer emosies reguleer keer terug na vreugde vanaf elke ander emosie leer om te rus NOTE: The scripture name is all small caps. NB: No bullets are allowed on the same slide as a scripture. For the sake of legibility, simplicity and design. Please note the scripture numbers are superscript. (Right click > Font… > See Slide, “Scripture: 1 Verse and header” for example with a header. 10
Scripture: 1 Verse (See notes below slide)
kind-behoeftes: om gespeen te word hulp om dinge te doen wat moeilik is hulp om gevoelens en verbeelding te reguleer Terugvoer op pogings familie-identiteit groot prentjie NOTE: The scripture name is all small caps. NB: No bullets are allowed on the same slide as a scripture. For the sake of legibility, simplicity and design. Please note the scripture numbers are superscript. (Right click > Font… > See Slide, “Scripture: 1 Verse and header” for example with a header. 11
Scripture: 1 Verse (See notes below slide)
kind-take: leer een persoon versorg leer vra en ontvang met vreugde leer selfuitdrukking ontwikkel persoonlike identiteit leer om moeilike dinge te doen: NB leer wat regtig bevredig: NB NOTE: The scripture name is all small caps. NB: No bullets are allowed on the same slide as a scripture. For the sake of legibility, simplicity and design. Please note the scripture numbers are superscript. (Right click > Font… > See Slide, “Scripture: 1 Verse and header” for example with a header. 12
Scripture: 1 Verse (See notes below slide)
volwassene-behoeftes: ‘n mondigwordingseremonie band met portuurgroep aanvaarding deur eie geslagsgroep (“gender”) sien hoe ander hulle mag regverdig aanwend geleentheid om lewe te gee NOTE: The scripture name is all small caps. NB: No bullets are allowed on the same slide as a scripture. For the sake of legibility, simplicity and design. Please note the scripture numbers are superscript. (Right click > Font… > See Slide, “Scripture: 1 Verse and header” for example with a header. 13
Scripture: 1 Verse (See notes below slide)
volwassene-take: versorg meer as een persoon ontdek eie hart leer om self en ander gelyktydig na vreugde te herstel lewegewende seksualiteit regverdige onderhandeling NOTE: The scripture name is all small caps. NB: No bullets are allowed on the same slide as a scripture. For the sake of legibility, simplicity and design. Please note the scripture numbers are superscript. (Right click > Font… > See Slide, “Scripture: 1 Verse and header” for example with a header. 14
Scripture: 1 Verse (See notes below slide)
vader/ouer-behoeftes: om lewe te gee ‘n ondersteunende eggenoot leiding van ouderlinge beoordeling deur portuurgroep: ander vaders en moeders veilige en ordelike gemeenskap NOTE: The scripture name is all small caps. NB: No bullets are allowed on the same slide as a scripture. For the sake of legibility, simplicity and design. Please note the scripture numbers are superscript. (Right click > Font… > See Slide, “Scripture: 1 Verse and header” for example with a header. 15
Scripture: 1 Verse (See notes below slide)
vader/ouer-take: gee sonder om te ontvang bou ‘n gesin/huis beskerm en geniet die familie bring kinders tot volwassenheid balanseer die behoeftes van kinders, eggenoot kerk & werk NOTE: The scripture name is all small caps. NB: No bullets are allowed on the same slide as a scripture. For the sake of legibility, simplicity and design. Please note the scripture numbers are superscript. (Right click > Font… > See Slide, “Scripture: 1 Verse and header” for example with a header. 16
Scripture: 1 Verse (See notes below slide)
ouderlingbehoeftes: ‘n gemeenskap wat jou herken en erken ander leer om jou te vertrou NOTE: The scripture name is all small caps. NB: No bullets are allowed on the same slide as a scripture. For the sake of legibility, simplicity and design. Please note the scripture numbers are superscript. (Right click > Font… > See Slide, “Scripture: 1 Verse and header” for example with a header. 17
Scripture: 1 Verse (See notes below slide)
ouderlingtake: gasvryheid gee lewe vir uitgeworpenes ouer vir die gemeenskap bou gemeenskapsidentiteit wees jouself onder druk geniet alle mense - diversiteit NOTE: The scripture name is all small caps. NB: No bullets are allowed on the same slide as a scripture. For the sake of legibility, simplicity and design. Please note the scripture numbers are superscript. (Right click > Font… > See Slide, “Scripture: 1 Verse and header” for example with a header. 18
Scripture: 1 Verse (See notes below slide)
slotsom: ons begin almal as kinders en moet groei om te groei is dissipline en n plan nodig Fondasies! ons benoding elk die gees van seunskap. Rom 8:15 NOTE: The scripture name is all small caps. NB: No bullets are allowed on the same slide as a scripture. For the sake of legibility, simplicity and design. Please note the scripture numbers are superscript. (Right click > Font… > See Slide, “Scripture: 1 Verse and header” for example with a header. 19
Romeine 8:15-17 Want julle het nie ontvang ’n gees van slawerny om weer te vrees nie, maar julle het ontvang die Gees van aanneming tot kinders, deur wie ons roep: Abba, Vader!
Die Gees self getuig saam met ons gees dat ons kinders van God is; en as ons kinders is, dan ook erfgename, erfgename van God en mede-erfgename van Christus, as ons naamlik saam met Hom ly, sodat ons ook saam met Hom verheerlik kan word.
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